I was going through some of the digial pics from my recent trip to portugal and thought some of you might be intrested in some forest fire pics.
I do not know if you guys heard but there have been a lot of fires in Portgual this year due to the big drout they have been having. I happened to arrive during the week that the area where i am from was burning. It was the first time I had seen anything bigger then a camp fire in person so I had to snap some pics.
On to the pics…
This is 5:30am we just finished moving our luggage into our house and the sun began to rise, taken from the bedroom window…
After breakfast and visiting some family members, the GF and I got tired so we took a nap around noon and woke up at 3pm to this…taken from the balcony…
These next 2 pics show the same spot where the sun came up…
Then at 1 hour later at 4pm, the fire came over the hill/mountain/whatever you call it… don’t mind the quailty, had to use digital zoom to get a close enough pic…
Here is the fire with regular zoom… thank god it was far from us…
The next day we drove up to see the land after the fire was put out… that is not snow on the floor, it is ashes!..
Some tree trunks were still smoking, there used to be nothing but green bushes and plants at the foot of these trees…
This one was wierd…
Here is a little shrine honouring Mary mother of christ, everything around it was burned, except the shrine and tree beside it… it was really freaky and this pic does not do it justice…
It was crazy to witness.
I had a cousin who’s house was surounded by the fire in the first pic, he lives here and was visiting with his mother during the time, they faught off the fire with other family members. Had they not gone to Portugal at the time they would have lost their home.
It was sad to see people walking around crying after the fire was put out because they lost their homes, or other items tdue to the fire.
It is alot worse when you see this stuff in person.
That’s my novel, thanks for looking
P.S. I saw 2 S13’s there. They are super rare beause gas is expensive, and people do not make a lot of money thanks to the euro. One was an 89 with a CA18DET and the other was a 92 with an SR20DET, nice to see the sticker on the back saying “2.0 litre 16 valve turbocharged”