0 % (zero percent) yes San Diego

burn baby burn!


paging originalsin and hypeville

I just talked to XRunner and he said the smoke over the city is crazy.

that looks crazy

we need originalsin to take some pic if he can see it

Maybe there is a god, at least a weather god, and he really doesn’t like liberals?

i guess theres alot better pics than this one, but this could be an EPIC fire.




Malibu is in rough shape too.

Ok, so another forest fire? news sites are blocked at work


burn baby burn!


hope your house burns one of these days and the neighbors come out and cheer


hope your house burns one of these days and the neighbors come out and cheer



yeah, i don’t get it either. Why are you happy people are losing thier lives and possessions?

too bad, san diego is in my opinion the nicest city in the country.



yeah, i don’t get it either. Why are you happy people are losing thier lives and possessions?


he is just jealous that in his whole life time he will never be able to afford to live in those nice houses.

I hope they get this contained, I was just out there for 2 weeks and I’m relocating to the la jolla or mission beach areas within 2 years. I don’t know why anyone would want to see it get destroyed.

And for the record JayS, the city was actually pretty republican/conservative.


hope your house burns one of these days and the neighbors come out and cheer




yeah, i don’t get it either. Why are you happy people are losing thier lives and possessions?


Settle down fellas- im not cheering it. its just what first came to mind. I think its terrible.


he is just jealous that in his whole life time he will never be able to afford to live in those nice houses.


dude take a look at yourself in the mirror and worry about yourself first, not what i can and cant afford to buy.


Looks like a mess.

doesn’t this happen like at least once a year? you think people would start to expect it by now



too bad, san diego is in my opinion the nicest city in the country.


^ 100% agree.

It’s sad to see that these people who live in the path of these fires are losing everything. It’s not like you can move your house out of the way, when the fire comes, your whole life, your possesions, everything, goes up in smoke.