Is it possible to connect 2 computers together wirelessly? I want to be able to sit in the living room with my laptop and access files and programs that are on my desktop in my room all from my laptop. Is this possible?
It’s called ad hoc. Google for it, and/or check out:
edit: Also, I assume you don’t have a wireless router, and both computers have wireless cards. Otherwise you want to look into shared folders…
We have wireless internet throughout the house and I believe we have a wireless router. Ill Google that ad hoc thing. Thanx
Well you don’t need to setup ad hoc then. You want to look into shared folders. Ad hoc is for when you have two devices with a wireless card, and no main access point.
its in the setting for the drives … just set al drives on all computers to share with all users
my computer
click blue link
click blue link in second section …
repeat for all drives
access as in what?
you want to just transfer files and programs from your desktop to your laptop???
or you want to be able to actually control files and programs on your desktop from your laptop?
Both. I want to be able to control my burning and ripping programs that are on my desktop, with my laptop. And I want to be able to transfer files from my desktop to my laptop.
then you want a vpn
whats a vpn?
virtual private ntwork
its your own little network, that noone else can get into, and the computers can be anyplace, all in the same house or 1/2 way around the world, and you can control everything from anyplace you wantt to log in from
You don’t need a vpn (virtual private network) Sharing files in your network should work fine without one.
no but he does. He doesn’t want to just share files, he wants to be able to control programs too. You have to use vpn or the like to control programs
SO how do I go about setting up something like this? What kind of cost is involved? Is there a site that shows you how to do something like this?
Remote desktop will allow you to do that.
I found this:
Is this what I want?
yeah u should be able to do that easy :tup:
Start -> Run -> mstsc.exe
remote desktop worked well for me too.
xp home or pro?