Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

HUH? dude I still have the papers, you can come see them lol, im not worried about making fake hp numbers… I’ll admit thats wierd as fuck that that website has the same shit, but this is what I was given when I bought the car. I bought the car from Chris at autobahn which im sure you and everyone else knows of who they are, if you have doubts you can call him or the old owner who’s phone number I have… I am selling the car and HAVE this information FOR people like YOU who have doubts. Once again, I openly stated that I did not build this car and that these sheets were given to me upon purchase of the car. The turbos on my car are easily reccognized at 13t’s… If I wanted to fake something I would have told you yes they were evo III’s and I dont have dyno sheets.