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geerhed jointz

great… more gearhead joints i have to flip my mirrop up!!!

:rofl same here! Da fuck

yeah i love the pain from my rods and cones being destroyed by jointz in 89 accords


i will need updates on this. i’d love a coilover on my car but im hesitant for a daily because i read that in ny coilovers can go to shit real fast because of all the salt on the roads. my friend suggested a spray that u apply over the coilovers once theyre on the car and dialed in. i’d like to know how the ones u got feel(possibly for a few rides in teh car with you) and more feed back on how they are in a daily driven situation and about any possible corrosion or any other drawbacks. ty in advance, sir :slight_smile:

i want some normal LED lights for my dome lights and the two above my plate, cuz the OEM ones in there are so dim! especally for those two maplights. Katie, where are those from?

KW’s are Inox Stainless steel, as are a few other highend coilover systems.

the worst ive seen is 15 when its below freezing and i dont drive far enough to let the truck warm up but ive also seen as good as 18 with this crappy winter mix fuel! cant wait for summer when im getting 18 around the city!

Only 1 monitor for now thou :frowning:

And sorry steve I know, its not full motion lol

I was going off memory when i said 24@4100… but I was very close…

WTF it’s not full mo…


Looks pretty sweet man.

^^ Wow, that shit is cool as hell. What does something like that cost?

Around $400

Obutto is a small company, they make small ammounts at a time. All their distributors are completely out, luckily a guy in iracing whos from here in new york is the only east coast distributor, and as far as he knows he has the last 1-2 obuttos in the country until obutto sends out their next batch to their distributors in the next month or so.

Should be able to grab it saterday at UPS if not gotta wait till monday.

Basicly thou its the most full featured sturdy sim rig you can buy in the price range, its by far not the best, but aside from building one yourself your not going to be able to buy something as full featured and well built for much under 1000 bucks besides this.

Damn thats not a bad price.

Too bad you didnt have your 100inch projector still. shit would be sweeeeeeeeet

snowflakes FTW!

gotta find a good shop to mount the tires. im thinking ill just take the tires and wheels up to Grand Premier

brett bring em up kid ,ya know we are good and aint gonna rash your shit

when they get here. we shall cross that bridge. gonna look sick, not running sitting in the garage :lol

ah, that car site nice! :slight_smile: i likes