Post a PIC of your latest purchase.


Like that?

Har. Har. Har.

Sure, without the extra Chevy badge:hug


Ha, yeah that badge was pretty gay. I think that was the most ricer thing I have ever done to one of my cars.

i love the turbo sedans! (cobalts)

Garmin Nuvi 765


It cost me $40 dollhairs sir

still gay, I navigate celestially.

mk3 :banghead:Idiots

Big red bought a VRT mk3!!! GTFo cant be…

From where? Or used?

From the looks of the stickers in the windshield, it looks like PA.

I picked up two of these.

They read 0-160F and run off 5V (so I have to find a 5V signal or resist a 12V down in the car)

The idea is to put one into the cold side charge pipe for intake temp read out, and one in the water inlet on the wa/ic to watch the temp to see if it heat soaks.

If I cant figure out a secure way to attach the sensor inside the intake charge pipe without fear for it busting off and getting sucked into the motor, I will just use one for water temp in and one for water temp out.

either way they are $30 shipped to the door, so if they dont work ill just slap them on my pc like they are suposed to be used in.

Nah $200 Amazon gift credit thing ha

You might want to use a 5V regular instead of resistors

7085 :thumbup

You mean 7805? :rofl


27" iMac, legit copy of Adobe Photoshop CS5, and one Old navy hula girl…cause that bitch gets shit done…and she fails hard at staying on my trucks dash, bitch. She can still shake that isht tho.

sweet lamp