Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

How many miles on two wheels under your belt?

+10,000kmi… have fun, wear your gear and be safe!
-10,000kmi… whats the vin so I can have my insurance guy keep an eye out for a salvage title track bike for me.

JK, take it easy and ride respectfully. Nice bike and be carefull.

lol thanks

I do like mac’s but I will say in all of time that macs have been around theres one major thing they have constantly fucked up time and time again.

A mouse… Apple has never made a decent fucking mouse, they go for form>function in that department. I know a lot of Mac lovers that agree with me on that as well.

fixed it for you


lol, yea, that mouse does blow goats. I used it for 10 minutes and plugged in my old corded mouse, believe me, there is nothing magic about that magic mouse. It sucks cock for editing photos too, since you can swipe your fingers across it to scroll side to side it makes things really difficult in Photoshop. Youre right, it looks good, but thats about it lol.

Really PJB?

Mine’s the 255.

Ive been looking for one for a few weeks, watching prices and this one was $113 at Target.

First spot programmed in…

Adult World.

Ive never been there and have no intentions of ever going there and really I dont need a GPS to go less than 10 minutes away anyway.!BpQnfLQCGk~$(KGrHqYH-DYEu,hioD6)BLql7lPbBw~~_1_22378_1.JPG and ![!BWzpKQw!mk~$(KGrHgoH-CQEkJwwr(3WBKZKr9Nr7g~~_1_23048_1_thumb.JPG](!BWzpKQw!mk~$(KGrHgoH-CQEkJwwr(3WBKZKr9Nr7g~~_1_23048_1_thumb.JPG)

GI Bill paid for both

yokohama’s came today

new license plate attempt 2.

That skull lamp is badass btw. Do want. Where can I get that.

lol yea that is cool lamp.

Probably Spencers. I have a similar biohazard one, that I got there.

Now we are talkin.


Mind if I borrow that for a night… Theres a certain vehicle that a certain someone owns that I would love to cut into a few pieces for them to wake up to in the morning