Your RTC is weak
thats because I dont have it yet, cat fucker.
Gonna shake the bag when it comes in
thats better then selling it to someone else!!!
OM nom nom nom nom
Ilya, some advice :
1/ Watch people hit jumps
2/ Observe their speed (example*: If they DONT carve, no brakes, and clear perfectly,
THAT’S what you should be doing :lol)
3/ If you can’t approach a jump with the necessary speed needed (example*:you are
scared to go full speed, the jump is to big for you…start smaller)
Start small, its really not that hard to simply “air” out a big deck. You just need to know
what entry speed you need, and not carve after you get going fast.
snagged some touchscreen liners and oven mitts
Damnt now I want to go buy snowboard gear
I have been no where NEAR a jump. lol.
Carve? I can’t carve for shit. lol.
I wipe out on the straights bro. As soon as I try to turn the board a bit, after a while my shin splints are so bad that I just topple over after putting the slightest pressure on that muscle. Or I get going too fast and try to stop so I try to turn the board (to carve/slow myself down) and end up sending myself flying like that time in Syracuse I mentioned above where I flew like 20+ft, 5ft in the air.
Remember the movie Mighty Ducks? The one where that one kid was REALLY fast on skates but couldn’t stop for shit on the rink? Yeah, that’s me. I get cookin, but when it comes to stoppin…yeah. Not so much.
I just gotta learn board control.
Or just stop snow boarding lol
You need to do some leg-excercises, or just do more riding.
Instead of just bombing shit, take the time you PAY to be there and better
your control. Practice toe2heel edge carving until you have it under control and
can do it all day, regardless of trail-grade.
And bend your knees for god-sakes !
Nah, I’ll get a hang of it once I go enough times. This will be my 3rd time. The main reason for the gear is because of my back. Yes it’s f’ed up, but I’m not going to let it stop me from being active. Too many people do that and end up leading very unhealthy life styles.
:facepalm is right lol. It takes time. Being good at something usually doesn’t happen over night. Took me a while to get good at basketball, good at volleyball, etc. Snowboarding is no different. This is my 3rd time.
I have been doing leg exercises, so I’m hoping the shin splints are diminished this season. And yes, I will be doing basic things this trip up…just to get the basics down.
Just don’t go out there and act like you’re trying to conquer the snowboarding Romans and you should be ok.
Nothing pisses me off more than an out-of-control snowboarder with an attitude. They’re like the type of girls you want to hang upside down and fill their vaginas with cement.
Dude +rep. :rofl :rofl one of the best posts in here. :rofl
Where have you been going? I’m not going to look back in the thread hahah
I went once to Song Mountain in Syracuse (just south a bit) and once to Jimmy.
cool… maybe I’ll see you out on the slopes this year
Yeah, I think we’re going to Jimmy in a few weeks.
who is we? some of your russian female friends headin up?