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Just leaks it via the valve covers ahahahahahahaha

Oh yeh that prolly doesn’t help

when i was on the blend, i used to see a couple droplets under the car in the garage(i put down a peice of cardboard and some kitty litter on it, so i dont stain the floor) and occasionally there was a slight drip somewhere near the exhaust. i could smell some hot/burning oil. it was either on the manifolds, turbos or downpipes. after switching to cenpeco that went away. no droplets anywhere, not smelling the hot oil smell anymore. its great. maybe just switching oil type could help? idk all that much about it, i asked Dave at Inline, he recomended cenpeco. just gonna check the jetta now as well. i just changed oil in that as well.

Your valve covers are leaking and that drop coming outta the exhaust is not oil it’s just dirty condensation.

Its just marking its spot, nothing to be worried about.

nah, i dont think so. its not always there, plus after changing to a diff oil, its no longer there. but it was 100% oil. my vents and ducts are clean. theres no other random smells in that car. but i can see how its probably from the valve cover/covers.

:lol:lol:lol:lol:thumbup its just to let the toyotas know that its audi territory there or maybe its to tell the other audis on my street to keep out.:tongue

It’s 100% your VCG’s you can smell mine through the vents lol

yea, quite possible. i dont know the source exactly, but i was figuring its close to the hot exhaust components or just above it. but its gone now though. i kinda miss that smell, its nice :slight_smile:

The smell of burning oil? You must be high…

well not a RIVER of burning oil spewing smoke stacks into the sky, but like a droplet or two

Haha. I like the smell of skunk

Soooo I fucking get there to pick up the furnace and dude has a FUCK TON of shit for sale. I picked up this TIG:

4 of these big ass Strong Arm clamps:

and because I’m like the best customer he’s ever seen he threw in this to sweeten the deal:

I’ll let you motherfuckers guess as to what the fuck that thing is… :slight_smile:

spud gun ??? yessssssssssssss

^that looks like its going to shoot something outta it

golf ball shooter?


Dude awesome shit! lol

haha I WIN

Whaaaat?! What goes in the tank, just compressed air?

whiteface here i come