Post a PIC of your latest purchase.
i bought this pile for the engine.

now i kinda want one as a dd


ATE brake rotors, some whatever mintex pads, meyle ball joints, meyle tie rod ends

Did you take this pic in Sarge’s/big reds basement?

Lmao ^

Stallmer on Dans name btw

nah i dont see any labatts or bbss



are the orange pieces the ones you see on the underside between the wheels and the center of the car?

Yeah, lower control arms. They are gold lol

and what are the black bits?

Rear upper arms. I have bought every suspension piece I can replace now. Car is a 92 and the bushing are all smoked now, so its time. I will have that car a long time. Already had it 8+ years

Ah. When are you doin that?

No, when you doing all that? lol Soon though. Also got my antenna block off plate today:

Nicccce… those add like 7.5 hp

Mines the 5hp version. Yellow was 7.5 lol

ahh right right… not sure if you really deserve the rep then.

i was gonna come by, hang out if u wanted company

blox? make sure you prelaod the bushings on install beofre tightening the bolts, those bushings are known to tear out after a short period of time.

May be picking these ccw’s up.