Post a PIC of your latest purchase.


your going to blow the welds on the intake.

COME ON!!! I’ve had one of these kits for sale forever!

:confused: I didn’t know you still had it. I bought this dirt cheap from Amazon.

like the jungle?

Lol. Need another kit??? Bottle, gauge, blanket! Take it!!

Hmmmmm…How much?

$300. As seen here:

Nick, I want the bottle blanket. Tell me a price. Also when you say gauge, is it a remote mount gauge or a bottle mounted gauge?

Bottle mount IIRC

Bottle mount

I needz a heater. I got my kit on an Amazon price mistake, it’s 340 dollhairs higher today than when I purchased it 2 days ago (directly from Amazon). :rofl

Drew i got both guages if u need one… Remote n bottle mount…

$30 and you can have my zex heater.

I have a bottle mount, I just hate it. I would like a remote mount gauge I can mount upfront. How much do you want for it? what one is it?

Cap the bottle mount and relocate your gauge inside man lol don’t get another gauge .

Amsoil EAA123 air filter for Brochure Truck

12 of these:

Two of these:

A $50 plastic bag with a plastic tube coming out of it…:rofl

Hydration pack?


Penis pump?