Post a PIC of your latest purchase.


spent way to much money getting one of these up and running from scratch, Figure if anything it will be fun, keep me towards dirt track racing and keep me out of trouble.

Should be done in he next week or, been a learning experience

Like legit race car?

[no] electric 1/10th RC racing. They are still pretty damn badbass

Yea they are my dad used to be into it hardcore. Friend of his is still into it idk where he races though

I’ve been building my car to rave at the high banked clay over at watervilet science and hobby. Need to get this Damn thing finished

hmmm should i post my two buys?hmmmm

geez dont sound cocky or anything

Hell yes!!!

Cocky cause i made comment ??? Ur such a little troll why do u bother posting? Everything u post u try n go against someone behind a computer

Oh and yes im damn fucking proud of what i own and my accomplishments…so cocky ehhh whatever u wanna see it as but ur always gonna be the shit under my feet in my eyes

Soooooo what’d you buy?!?!?

P.S. - I try to step around / over the shit and not directly on it.

no, its HOW you made the comment here and on the dumb fb group that makes you seem cocky, not proud of your accomplishments.

Some “L” brackets, threaded rod, threaded couplers, and threaded eyelets and you have:

Oh, and:

U dont need to be proud of me… If i depended on tools like you in my life id jump off a bridge…see when i see someone post shit on here im happy for peopke making it and buying stuff they like and want… I wish everyone could… But man everything u post is a book to argue with people… Its a sad life u got

Oh and holding people in suspense on what i bought is fun… But seeing u know everywhere i post look like u may have a man crush pal… Just saying


I just call it like I see it my man. You hold your opinons about me, as I do about you. Welcome to america. Holding us in suspense! Becasue you are so active on this fourm, and niskylot, we allllll just cant wait to see what you bought. Yep thats it. Once again bro, just formulating my opinion into a reply behind a keyboard. Sorry.

Here, I got you this so you dont have to step on people like me that press your buttons.


found some first gen civic Wagon hubs today!! best part is they were only 35 each

I guess the bottom line here is i posted something and you had no need to come back with a dick face comment… You coulda said hey post it up or hey alot of us saw it on niski lot… But na u wanted to be a dick as usual… As seen in many other posts… Ur just a dick… Mommy must not have loved you enough as a child and im sorry you live your life angry because of it…

so what did you buy? Obviously Tampons, but what was the seocnd thing?

Sorry cant post pics from phone