Lol good to see you need to come stick up for your boyfriend
So let me get this right krazy has man crush on me…je must me bangin krazy… Does that mean ur jealous of me? Dont be mad bro
Lol good to see you need to come stick up for your boyfriend
So let me get this right krazy has man crush on me…je must me bangin krazy… Does that mean ur jealous of me? Dont be mad bro
Lets recap:
Yep, I am a dick. See your comments in bold. Aparantly you couldnt take a little unprovoked jab in the ribs so you took a tank to a knife fight with your comments back.
Here, I got you this too. They say its not just for diaper rash, so it might help with all kinds of butt hurt.
Is that bought for when ur boy jsenclosures pounds u in urs?
Pleasant scent so no poopie smell when he plows u and look easy to clean off
But this has wasted enough of my life so ill post pics of my new toys when i get home…
hahahahaha JSE had the same idea I did. No shit, someone other than KK who can see what is actually happening here.
Slow, atleast you have a sense of humor. Your come backs however are lacking, I would work on that.
Here I got this for you too. It might help:
so what did you even buy?
also, slowgto, calm down bro.
Watching you two fight i just wanna grab ya both make you sit down pound some shots then either talk it out or fight either way
I doubt he has enough self control not to end up in jail.
No thanks
EDIT. Ill save his breath/finger tips. I am too much of a pussy to even confront him. Ummm. KK probably cant even handle a shot of booze. Uhhh. If I saw him i would knock KK’s head off.
That should cover it.
Lol see thats what u would think… Thus reason why you dont know me…
What id really rather do is sit down do shots with you have mine be soda without u knowing and getting u so shit faced u felt like hell for days… Thats satisfaction enough for me… I dont go fight everyone bro n thats not how i even settle shit 95 percent of the time… For me to fight someone u gotta really piss me off…so like i said u dont know me dont act like u do know me…
Oh i bought a 03 88mm cobra auto car and a 08 supercharged vette… Pics to come
never said I acted like I know you. I just read aloud how I see shit. NBD. But between everything we bicker about online, stuff ya post up that doesnt even have to do with me, and what alot of people between our two friend circles say about ya… ill keep to my end of the bar. thanks.
Blinke said hi. He misses playing fast bikes with you at LVD.
Will both of you grow up and stop…
Slow, I hardly know you man, you wouldent remember me if you saw me but i’ve chatted with you a few times in the past (usually up at LVD_ and you always seemed like an alright dude, you come off a little assholish on here but whatever, its the internet, sometimes things just don’t come off as they would in person
Woody, I have a lot of respect for you my dude, no need to stir shit up or voice your opinion on something someone says no matter how much it rages you. I bite my tounge a lot, and I do so because whether I like what was said or not, like the person or not, its easier to just go on not giving a fuck.
Tell blinke hes a fuck n he better get me his daytona money… Point right there though bro ask him about me lol… He hated me till he hungout with me… Now hes like having a annoying little brother but cool ad shit
Seeing u hang out with him now i see why ur a asshole lol… Now it makes all the sense in the world
Back on topic ill post pics up tonight
no doubt. I bite my tongue a lot too, believe it or not. Especially since I represent a business and two other people… hence the comical reply’s instead of hate back at him.
I without a doubt have grown too old and tired of “easier not to give a fuck”. MANY parts of society fucking suck, and I aint got a problem expressing that! I see it, I voice it, so be it. People can agree or disagree with that. Like you said, all I did was throw a pebble at a bees nest. Thats not a crime. He can go off on tangents about me however he chooses to, so can anyone else under the sun. Oh well.
Sorry, I guess I would rather sway people into liking me by NOT being hated for how i look/act in the beginning, then hoping they will give me a second chance at being friends after hanging out more. Dunno what to tell ya man, but talking with him when he brought your name up, he said the same thing everyone else says. Something along the lines of he can be a total douchebag, but once ya get to know him he’s kinda cool. Great if that works for some people, it doesn’t for me so NBD, ill stick to crying about how my mom doesn’t love me and not go out of my way to give ya a second shot.
pics of supercharged vette please.
I bought a couple of transformers today, but yeah vette pics!
I think he posted the vette on the nisky lot page along with saying its 1600hp. It looked good, really sharp. 1600hp tho I’m in disbelief
I’ll let him explain
INB4 “Cute starter vette”