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you mean like the retard in a Lezbaru wagon that stood there staring at the yellow light and not moving until the two cars behind him switched lanes and then he backed up at the exit 25 toll booth this afternoon?

Dave that is the problem. Just has to be fixed correctly so it doesn’t break again

yea, i touched the two wires to see if itd turn on and it did lol… If I solder it it should hold Id think right?

Normally i remove the selector and increase wire length to prevent further issues. Also i use heat shrink crimp connectors

You can use crimp connectors if you have the proper crimpers (compound action). Since those crimpers usually go for a pretty penny, I’m assuming you probably don’t. If you don’t, then extend the wire slightly (as needed), solder the connections then tape them off with a high quality tape (Super33) and shrink tubing over the tape. Then you never have to worry about it again.

This. If your account drops below $10 they charge $25 to the card on file.

And like it was said no extra fees and tolls are cheaper. I have ezpass for both bikes, my car and the wifes, much more convenient then waiting in line at the booths.

Plus, nothing maks me happier then comming back from say Lake George on July 4th…

Every normal toll lane is going back at least a hundred cars, EZ pass lanes wide open and jsut zip on through…

The only real annoyance with EZPass is people that have it and still STOP dead in the middle of it and go again, or do under 20MPH in the 20MPH EZ Pass lane…

for me though every EZpass lane is at least 20mph :rofl

We need the ezpass that other states have where you just rip through at highway speed. NJ has a few. Actually NY might even have one downstate on 87 as you get closer to the city.

yeah, I think Orange county has it

Be careful going fast- maximum speed in the 5mph is 20mph… a few years ago I went through going about 25 and my entire account was BANNED for 60 days… ie my pass and all other passes on my account- Wayne nearly killed me.

Yeah I buzzed through a 20mph one at about 40 the other day, how soon did you know your account was banned?

A week or so! Eeeek

mine always says ‘call ezpass’

I never do, havent gotten any letters either lol

spend a few bucks in the last 3 days

For the tdi wagon.

That’s awesome

full ipod integration instead of the cd changer

Interior of the new audi is now updated and straight off the assembly line quality

new daily wear watch

That’s a nice looking watch

sold the Lexus, Paying the audi almost completely off and buying a few more things for it