Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

^ Love the wheel design

My latest Acura :lol

you didn’t get hit did you?

No, it was a friends car. I bought it after they totaled it. Engine and tranny will be going in my 92 Civic hatch. Should move out pretty good.

got sick of the quiet stock exhaust$T2eC16F,!)!E9s2f!GR-BRZ0W4W2q!~~60_1.JPG!E9s2f!GR-BRZ0W4W2q!~~60_1.JPG)

Sold the jetski i race friday morning… then set up the race course friday afternoon into the evening, the drove to cape cod and bought this to replace my other jetski, drove home and finally got here at 5 am, and then i raced saturday and sunday. /cool story bro

must be pretty common lol

Just picked up this beaut:

all the cars

Yup, that pretty much sums it up. Everything is always for sale… except the GN :wink: Sorry guys

damn got excited for a minute there

mind selling me the rear sway bar? Pretty common upgrade for my gen accord. 14mm to 17mm. My brothers car is identical he might want some parts too.

Yeah sure. That one is prob mangled, but I should still have the stock one from my Tsx. The only things I need off this is motor/tranny ecu and harness really. I will part out anything else.

The only thing I would want is a CGP rear bumper, that one looks worse than mine though :lol

i dont purchase stuff. i dont know why i come into this thread…

Its a “molded in” bumper, fully custom haha. He got rear ended buy a tractor trailer, so I would say the car handled it alright.

when did you get an Acura? I thought you just had the two Mustangs

TSX came in Cypress Green Pearl?

No but TSX’s came in Carbon Gray Pearl though…

Ahh. Gotcha