Post Maintenance - Remarks

Fucker! Changed my name!

I keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllll you! I know were you live…Light Weight!

lol hahaha that roxorz

Yeah the s14 did come out better good shit.

Martina, a nickname grows from the community, calling spd light weight is just not enough!

One day Martina, you will learn…

Oh and Martina, thanks for the banners!

God dammit.

EDIT: He puked all over my living room…I’m a little guy and I drank WAYYYYY more than him.

151 has been claimed to kill people…
Light Weight!

yeah but you puked in the bathroom the night before biggg deall

and in my defense, i was force fed that shit and was drinking it through automation, not through my own will

i was too busy focusing on gta4


Force fed my ass, you were asking for me and she fed you!


good job Martina!! rotating pics by monthly basis or seasonal basis would be sweet :slight_smile:

Martina/spd-dmn: get a room :squint:

Anywho, the top banner isn’t going to rotate without content so it’s gonna be up there until something new comes along.

Supply me with specific pictures and I’ll git’r’done

Good shit boys…good shit.

I keep getting a pop-up whenever I click anything, it says [object Object] with an OK button. I can still navigate around fine, I just have to keep clicking OK every time I click somewhere.

What’s the deal?

I was debugging something :o

I like it - great job

that was nice, more refined and decent.

I used to love getting on son and having the “home” page where all the newest posts (up to I think 5 or something) listed =)

otherwise it looks great and badasssssss

Yea, the portal. G, you still implementing it?

i <3 the home page…please bring it back :slight_smile:

mine says i have 3 unread pm’s and i marked them all as read… fail?

also, S1DC should be on the banner…
