Post pics of your snow removal warrior

Just thought it would be interesting to see what everyone uses for snow removal. I know some of us have huge driveways, some have little more than a sidewalk, so post up your snow removal utensil. Anything from a truck to your shovel.

Here’s mine:
Massey Ferguson 165 with a 7’ McKee snowblower and an Allied 660 loader with 6’ bucket. My driveway is 650’ long on a hill…this thing kicks ass.

That thing scares me a bit.

Ill agree with Paulo that thing does look scary but probably does the job well.

I have an old school 7Hp Ariens snowblower that does the job. I dont really have much of a driveway only like 8 ft long by 16ft wide but I have a shit ton of side walk to clear.

Wonder how effective this one would be?

Probably good enough to get the lite snow that accumulates on porches.

Never seen one of those before… looks interesting

i’d also like to know how that works… they are like $99 arent they?

They suck imo, you would be better off getting your typical used snowblower.

No kidding, we picked up a toro snowblower a while back for around 35 bucks and it’s still running strong.

Haven’t had to shovel anything more than a 5 foot path from the door to the Jeep yet this year. God help anyone who tries to pull into my driveway with a low car. I slacked on buying a snowblower so I figure I’ll buy one when there is less of a demand.

or, 6000ft^2 of snow removal

my snowblower is broken. I really want a ATV with a plow for next year. I have a 4 car garage and no grass so it would get used. maybe next year

Lol turbo. thats just overkill!!!

Right now I have a Cub Cadet 524 SWE

But when I can scrape up $1500 I’m getting the snow thrower attachment for my John Deere X300R.

I hate to shovel I have a plow guy… He sucks though. I had to snowblow the other day as he didn’t come out until like 11:30pm and I didn’t want my car in the road.

Mine. Walking is for suckers :slight_smile: