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small flakes of gold
their purpose is to create very very small cuts in the throat so the liquor gets in your system quicker

hence why schlager gets you f’d up

small flakes of gold
their purpose is to create very very small cuts in the throat so the liquor gets in your system quicker

That does’nt sound good…

its just for shits a giggles.

liquide cokaine that shit FUCKES you up

last time i had that we ended up hitting a bridge going 170k in a cavalire…

(goldschlager and yaggermister)

jager bombs

am an ammeretto type man myself. on the roxxx

ohhh fancy i`m poor so a 26er of canadain 83 for 22.95 and a bottle of gingy for a buck 99 works for me

please tell me you dont believe that? LOL

whats there not to believe

well why dont you start by using your brain? we can go from there…

take it easy where only playin bra

Shadupp. Moar pics.

is it really an i-tie?


from this
to this
to this

don`t no what happened but to this

obviously not haha

the company would be out of business by now if that were the case
that like spitting on ethics

Sorry to interrupt the totally relevant conversation, but…

Just got back from the shop. Got it mostly back together, took it for a test drive and it rips considering the VVT isn’t hooked up, so it’s running on the economy cam lobe… no tuning, mis-matched parts, etc.

That silvia front end coupe looks awesome :smiley: lol epic

Looks like it came along way from the last time i was at the shop!
What bulbs did you use as your HIDs looks like 8K but what number did you use?

I’m not sure to be honest. They came with the car.

And I can’t seem to relate the username to who you are even though I’m sure I know you, LOL. Who are you?

ted do the wiring harness?