Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY)

Seriously grow the fuck up. How can someone be mature with somebody talking about picking fights over the internet? I’ll laugh off your sorry asses. Seriously. And seriously, do you listen to yourself? You know nothing about me except what mark/fobwall has bullshittted his way through instigating posts and my reactive responses to insult you guys back for insulting me to begin with. You honestly know nothing about me nor do I really care?

My penis is larger than yours, now lets prove it. That’s how you sound. And again of course I’m going to respond if you insult me and don’t expect to be respected back if you show no respect to begin with. i didn’t start shit with none of you to begin with, you instigate me to start shit and say stuff (eg; mark when he says lies about me).

Seriously I’m so proud now to be white, brown guy, jewish, mozzzlem, latino and communist at the same time with a 240sx with an automatic and taurus brakes.

p.s. Kyle is no skinny 18 year old.

uh oh.

Do you honestly think I care? LMAO He could be doing 55lbs shoulder presses with his thumbs. Do I really care or think that affects me?

I think most of you guys have some serious insecurities and emotional problems shit. Grow up. You have a penis but I don’t care about it. I got one too.

You know what’s funny Ahmed…do you notice that you tend to contradict yourself a lot?

Why do you keep saying that you DO NOT care…but yet reply with an essay? It doesn’t make sense…so do you care or not?

Once again, you fail. And I don’t spread lies to people…your posts speak for you and people who read your posts think you’re an idiot. It’s all on you buddy. Don’t try to blame someone else for your own stupidity.

Question is why do you always follow me around and instigate situations to begin with?

And I fail? I fail to see that. You are succeeding at repeating the word fail on this forum, but I’m not failing. You are the only one actually failing in the real world and you know it deep inside you.

And just because you get enough clowns to repeat the same thing you’re saying doesn’t make it any more true.

And lastly, I know I’m not stupid lol, far from it. Just reactive to your insults and instigations. It takes a whole circus caravan of you to insult me, it takes one of me to insult the whole of you. Quite frankly you know I would not be insulting or mocking anybody if you didn’t to begin with.

55lb shoulder press is nothing to be proud of. And if i remember correctly, u said they started shit with you, but u were the one that just insulted their color scheme, u asked for it. And now your saying u replied to them in a way they replied to u. Huh, really?

Obviously it’s not much but i said with thumbs alone :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao, what a scapegoat of an excuse to start bullshit for criticizing nailpolish like pink sparkle paint work. Fine YOUR PINK PAINTJOB IS AWESOME PEAECE

i didn’t start bullshit, i m trying to point out the obvious. If someone insulted my car, i 'd lay their ass out on the sidewalk.

EVERY FUKING THREAD. Shut the fuck up Ahmed.

Do youself and everyone else a favour and just stop posting your opinion, no one gives a shit and all you do is stir up the poop soup. Live with the reputation you have given yourself because like you said again and again, you dont care what we think and you hate this place. WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING TO REBUTTLE. You just fall back flat on your face.

Seriously. Just shut up.

i didn’t start bullshit, i m trying to point out the obvious. If someone insulted my car, i 'd lay their ass out on the sidewalk. And in the past you too have gotten all offensive when people say something about your car. But your doing the same thing.

zomg. this is rediculous… sommmmmbboooooddyyyy needs to smoke some weeedddd

sorry almost forgot the pics

title of post says - Post the Most Recent picture of your car. Thank You

God fucking dammit Ahmed! You always posts pointless arguments and stupid little pictures trying to make yourself sound useful… white240 make an inverse remark to your reply, and you go on fucking over the last 1/4 of an otherwise perfect 45 page thread… Fucking n00b…

Ban or GTFO.

And to set myself apart from these other guys who didn’t post a pic…

A baller pic of my fog lights… Pic doesn’t do it justice… Its JDM tyTe y0 yellow:

And a crappy picture I drew a while ago:

OLD pic, but showing off my ultimate baller status power seatbelts:



honestly i change my opinion with rogerthat240… I change my vote to neutral to BAN. Theres just some things that shouldnt be said and you seem to have no concious of that

lol ppl get rid of power seatbelts and u decided to add it on ? plz tell me thats a US car

It’s a US car


ooh yeah, i miss these:

Auto seatbelts make me shivver inside.
I had a bad experience with them hahaha

Also, an old photo,

^ dam, those are hot rims… what are they man? …look familiar!

LOL, yes its a US car. And no, I’m not taking 'em off… How many other 240’s do you see running around in Ontario with power seatbelts :slight_smile:

Oh, and SOHC KA > all :slight_smile: