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^ i like ur car history lol… baller

how bored were you to do that lol.

looks redic tho, bozo statusss maxx.

You can see that the car is jacked up and the tire isn’t even on the ground, it’s probably just hanging on the stud with maybe 1 nut in to push the wheel out like that. That’s what I’m guessing. :slight_smile:

mark u dont know shit !!!

omg please say its staying like this

Turbo, eh… Did it have a GTE swap? Cause the back doesn’t say it’s a turbo.

nice coupe sil front end looks clean and stockish

Thats my baby right there haha. Too bad you didnt keep the coilovers as i see lol

Haha, yep… it’s a 4X4. Should have some suspension for it in the next few days.

are you serious?

last edit: here ya go, some pictars
doesnt need a turbo badge to be a factory turbo

of all the j-spec’s on auction or for sale, i dont think any have said badge

this is how she sat before winter.

and this is how she sits now…


BOODD!^ What kind of rims are those?

^Look like G35 rims…

19 x 8 + 33 FF & 19 x 8.5 + 33 RR…wheels off of a 05 g35 coupe

those are the baller 19 inch forged g35 wheels!! pretty sick.

Ah, ok. Just wondering cause I’ve seen the turbo badge on a bunch of Supras, like this:

Seems kinda odd that some would have it and some not, but now that I think of it I seem to remember ones that didn’t say Turbo that were turbo. Maybe it’s only a certain year range that have the badge or something like that…

kinda glad i dont have it :stuck_out_tongue:

ahhh another supra in the area
matty you see the guy who works at automotive warehouse’s supra?
his name is louie is believe

you talking about the orange one that’s owned ( or use to be) by Bill?

if so, yeah ive seen it. Bill the owner (if he still is) isnt running the show at the Ricehouse now. His brother is. Havent seen the car or been there in about 3 years now though.