Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY)

Heres my S14.5 from Cali for sale.

its still around, congrats on the car tho matty

so funny story… i was painting my rims… in my garage with the doors closed and space heater and fan going… which made a sort of tornado effect… anyways… long story short… being the genius that i am, i got overspray ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL OVER my car… haha

anyways… rim turned out pretty good…

but as a result i spent 6 hours the next day removing the overspray from all over my car, roof, doors, mirrors, windows, EVERYTHING!

so lesson learned, moral of the story cover car or paint outside… haha and don’t listen to your friend mary jay cause she’s evil

Mary J told you right…you just listened wrong.

Where’s the gangster aero?


PS: only true ballers paint Battles…yeaaaaaaaaah boy looks sick!

yeaaa booooys… true gangsters rock whatever colour they want haha… and aero goes on after tune and alignment

ahhh! my old car…heartaches i hope you got all the over spray off. looks badass though keep up the good work i wanna see it this year rims look great what color is that?

I’m well past the most difficult parts, but there is still tonnes to do for April. Ive still got the pockets to wrap for the door panels and the dash/center console is next

almost time to bring her out

and what i just dropped in. came off a jdm subframe i got for $200. (importer obviously didn’t know it contained a 1.5way

^^ I beleive that is a 2way, not 1.5.

If it was a 1.5way, there would be a triangle in that hole you see in the diff.

did a little photo session with fellow son member GTS… so anyways… this is how some shit went down…
Left Swan: “Daaaayyyuuuummm!! yo check this shit out, this car is straight gangstuur!”
Right Swan: “tooootally i’d hit that shit!”
Left Swan: “hold that thought… what do we have here?”
Right Swan: “shit son, here’s another one!”
Left Swan: “man these car’s are hot stuff…”
Right Swan: “agreed! i say we go get ourselves a sick ride like these…”
Left Swan: “let’s roll!”
Left Swan: “pssseewww”
Front Swan: “dude you gotta stop drinking this lake water… it’s getting you all fcuked up”

Is it just the pic or is there going to be very limited room for the legs of your passenger?

Also did you FG a holder in for your ipod in the centre console?

Looks good though man!

Also after all this you still havent put in a cup holder!?!?!

Pimp fender mirrors on…

Threw on coils this weekend, dont bring up the rear wheel issue. I know… its sunken battleship city.

LOL, OMFG Awesome shit guys.

Yeah there is a spot for my iphone and the gf’s can hold the drinks if anything, I usually never bring drinks in the car. Mayyybe ill add something onto the back of the center console for drinks just for you guys lol…I just want to get it done. Leg room will be tight i did sit in there and position the speakers so its more than acceptable unless your and ogre. Then your just shit out of luck, im not planning on driving the car much or taxi driving people around.

Nees 'Mo lowerin, and better wheels, but those are soon to come :wink:

Martino: haha dude, yur car is madd sick, cant wait to see what you do to it, btw dont forget to put on the Bings Lip :stuck_out_tongue:

GTS/JLee: I know that spot heh me and K.Saun use it for shoots, very nice place especially on summer nights

was this at the bluffs?

Jon & Jon, you both better drive your best cars this weekend. Maybe put out a little show with a photoshoot :wink: