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Lol Gupreet, everyone knows who Ivan is you don’t need to state he’s your “buddy”.


Can intercoolers be powdercoated safely? I’m looking to have mine refinished in a polished chrome.

I’m sorry but knowing him or not knowing him, not everyone is everyone’s buddy…bud lol.

what happened to “bro”, is “buddy” and “bud” in now?

Did you use external flashes to achieve some sort of 3 point lighting, or is there just 3 light sources conventiently placed near your car haha?

5d mk2 eh, damn, my buddy has one its wicked. ive got a k10d/gx10 with a 10-20 4-5.6, 50 1.4, and obviously 18-55 3.5-5.6. Looking for a 100 smc-da 2.8 macro.

“Bro” was never in.

Cmonnn Broooo.

It’s all about the Bromance.

No homo.

whatever you fancy Cal, then there’s dude! lol

dude and buddy are okay, aslong as someone doesnt start using it at the beginning and end of every post.


The S14 really isn’t done… but onto the next project, for my dad…
doing it right, as if you couldn’t tell…

Anyone recognize this gem…?

well, time to go do some sandblasting…

mk3 supra?

yeah, the roof is a dead give away, and for me, the most desirable part of the car, open top cruising




Just need to put the tape along the fenders and bumper to make it complete


My girlfriend decided to go outside and do the tape for me because “the car didnt look right”.

Wow, i think that’s like the cleanest silvia front conversion i ever seen. gj man

Very nice, really clean job on the front conversion, I’ve always thought coupes look best with the sil-front and hatches best with pop ups.

damn i love that front end. sooo clean and looks awesome!

Yeah Smitty!

Was that all from my front end ( other then the fenders ) ?

All I used from your front end was the bumper, grill, and lights. I ended up getting another hood from Mark and also the fenders.