Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY)


(Sorry, all I had at work was MSPAINT…) :smiley:


heres my car, pics taken on victoria day.

hey thats alberts front end.

here’s my car it needs paint.


heyy my front end … i missed that front end … good to see it went well

the nismo stickers and jdm half clears gives it away, but it still looks good

Thought I would add some pics of my car.

Whats with the new “my intercooler is upside down” fad I’ve been noticing?

Is this going to be the 07 fad like vmount was in 05?

less piping = less pressure drop and less restirction (maybe)

What was the fad in '06? Runnin 14s and hittin curbs? :dunno:


the reason behind me doing the setup i did was to have the less amount of pipeing possible and also to be more crash friendly. this way the intercooler sits higher then the traditional front mount setup and it also directly in between of the lower/top rad support which helps protect the intercooler.

i guess ill find out how it actually works once the car is up and running ( keeping fingers crossed for june 15th track day )

my thoughts are…

where will you mount your left headlgiht now

wont i hit the ic piping in that position

Looking at it again and thinking about what you said mr_240sx. With the IC higher I can see the shorter piping helping a bit, but what about the IC efficiency? That has to drop a little bit if it is sucking in the air from the top of the IC (Heat rises unless this rule doesn’t apply here because its moving to fast?)

Also now the rad is 100% blocked by the IC so all the air it sees will be pre-heated. Just a thought.

I have seen quite a few guys go with the upside down IC this year and I am really curious to see how well it works out. It has the potential to give some improved throttle response, but will it offset the draw backs? I guess only time will tell. Keep us updated how it works out!

:smiley: :spank: