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Photo Cred: Tim Sadchikov

my 180’s lurkin’

This car was sicckkkkk at bing’s meet. Santi’s s13 too :biggthumpup:

Jeff, what’s up with those wheels? It kinda looks like a drag car but not really. Is that the look you’re going for or are these just temp wheels

^^^ Love the blast pipes

the 10-piece stereo surround takes away from the pimp status, but great phone storage space

temp wheels, i was on a budget last year to get this thing out to the track, the 50/60 series tire stagger was on purpose, trying to fill the most fender gap i could without smashing aero off the ground
car will be getting a fresh stance and paint soon

My boot cover came on the perfect day!

how much did you pay for it?

i remember i sold one for $250 back in the day lol

Nearly double what you sold yours for by the time it got to my door, took me 1.5 years to source it too fkkk.

really eh
you obviously tried 240convertible nico club or whatever?
thats where i sold mine.

Nearly double eh
you should have purchased that red convertible for 2k :stuck_out_tongue: and did some dirty devo additions and made some money :stuck_out_tongue:

either way man
your car is freaking amzing… Just gotta change those wheels eventually.

ive seen 2 brand new boot covers for sale within the last 2 months

^ for how much?

After messing up my timing up and putting in the clutch the wrong way. Its finally on the road-

Spotted you a day or two ago, right near wheels direct, i was in a blue r32



more cool tingz here!:

That is a 12.75" Rotor behind a 17" rim.

^^^^whos caliper bracket and rotor is this?

wouldnt a rotor that big just add weight and lose efficiency on a stock caliper?