Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY)


Specs on the wheels…that ish is flush.

looks tasty… lol would of been cooler if it was a 240

looks like a civic lol, you can easily eat that.

Man I’m so damn hungry right now

My accident yesterday, luckly it wasn’t the 240sx. If it was, it probably turn it into a convertible. Stupid truck driver pulled out of a parking lot without looking.

that is my car stupid :mad:… use a lil imagination. Doesn’t it look like my silvia?

the front is hawtt
the rear looka lika mini tho.

looks more like a 200sx from the front , and maybe with a bmw e36 conversion rear?

we should re-name this from "Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY) "


“Post the Most Recent picture of your car looking cake and discuss what car it looks like”

more pics ppl i wana see things i cant afford

that phome number dont work lol nice drift charm

dude… do you have a problem? Why don’t you go to the dollar store around the corner and you’ll see a lot of things you really can’t afford.

Shit man what a piss off especially when it was your b-day and ass clown has to make a comment like that.

I thought the cake was cool


here is my beater:

looks in decent shape hows the frame?

the cake is cool but if you wana show off a cake do it somewhere else.

no that is not patched, wrapped or anything
this car is 200% oem.

wow theres nothing wrong with that pic you clown.

get real kid.

wow thats awsome and ur useing it as a beater? lol ur my hero

what was wrong with what pic? im lost but sure why not

multisynclg do you live on burnhamthorpe? If so I seen you car like 1 million times looks clean.

nah sorry man
and I just brought this car home last month
hopefully i’ll get spottted more