post up your creative business ideas!

<<<— Opening repair shop with a storefront shortly and doing it right with proper planning and location.

chris, i live in colonie, not really active in the local car scene.

where were you when jason was/maybe still is offering a FREE shop to do detailing!?

unfortunately i have started a career and dont have nearly as much time as i would like to devote to that, my job requires a lot of travel and OT, if it werent for that i wouldve definitely taken him up on the offer, but i would want to get in over my head and be taking up the space when someone else could use it to its full potential.

Been thinking about starting a machining business focused on jetski racing. Went to school for it, never really had a machining job. I miss it sometimes. Jetski racing is a lot of fun and there is a lot of money being thrown around even if it’s from a relatively small market. Would also make motorcycle parts, some miata parts etc. Would be part time. I’m looking at buying a farm to add to the land me and my family already work so if that happened I’d just include the machine costs into the loan I could get through farm services.

I’ve made a few apps for iphone/ipad, nothing I can really profit from yet, mostly just teaching myself. If anyone needs any apps made, or has some ideas shoot me a pm. Kinda want to get into apps for small business.

Trailer Park/ Mobile Home-

  • Hire a reliable maintenance person/ or do it yourself if you have the time
  • Try to get decent people living there- and enforce a strict policy where if you don’t pay rent, you get evicted
  • Profit

Think about it- land right now is relatively cheap. Put in whatever drainage/ sewage whatever and that’s it. Once you have enough cash flow- begin purchasing used mobile homes and charge EXTRA rent to those who rent them.

Witnessed a client at the old accounting firm I used to work at purchase an up and running mobile home within the past few years and it is already one of his most profitable investements (he has multiple). I think as long as it’s managed properly there is potential to make a decent amout of money.

/\ OK Barb

Just the costs of septic, well water, electricity runs, paving, light poles, etc on top of the land, insurance, taxes, that sounds like a ton of money to get rolling. Buy one already established and fix it up would be one thing. But new TPB empire would be a major investment in resources.

SunnyVale Pt2

A potential TV series could bring in the big bucks.

cock hero, like guitar hero but for masturbation

Easier said than done. Would blow your mind how long people can occupy your rental/house that they aren’t paying rent for. Evicting someone isn’t as easy as it sounds unfortunately.

which is unfortunate.

I wish I grew up in a time when you could throw thier useless shit out on the curb, change the locks and tell them to fuck right off when they come back. Ya dont pay, ya dont live here. Simple concept.

I agree, people need a kick in the ass. Idk where all this BS came from and why people think they are “entitiled” to anything they haven’t worked for or paid for. It blows my mind.

funny you mentioned this, i was juuustt looking at something the other day that sounded like an insane deal…

an ACTUAL 4 HOUSE, 19 lots up and running right now with 6 more acres to build and 2 2 car garages for 150k… seems like a steaall

I’ve always thought starting a gym would be a great investment. Theres so many people that have memberships and never go. Location would be key obviouisly

Financing for something like that will probably be very very difficult right now given new financing guidelines the banks go by. About 2 years ago I wanted to buy a duplex and triplex on the same lot was was only going for 140k. Would have had a very nice cash flow and ROI but I couldn’t find anybody to finance it due to the fact that the lot was too small to be divided into 2 lots.

I currently own 2 pieces of rental income property and it can be a good way to make additional income. However unless you want to deal with dirtbag tennants and constantly having to evict people it typically won’t be a quick ROI. I look at the properties I have and the futures one I want to buy as a sort of retirement planning. I put the money out of pocket into them to purchase the 2 I have, but right now I take all the profit and put it in a second savings account to put towards future property purchase.

If you make the right apps that are appealing major bucks can be made. Theres MIT and Harvard students that have to create apps for final projects and end up making millions in the process.

I was a Landlord for about ten years. Never, Ever going down that road again. Tenants suck. If you had nothing but good ones, it would be OK. Unfortunately out of my 6 apartments it was always 2 Good ones, 2 OK ones and 2 Bad ones. Luckily most of the bad ones did not know they had rights and moved out when I evicted them. I had a couple though that knew their rights. Took me 90 days of no rent being paid before they were out, and that was going through legal channels.

I have thought about Commercial rental though. There, the burden for everything is pretty much put on the tenant. Might be worth a try?

Indoor self storage place would be my idea. I believe the two big ones in clifton park (ushers and on rt 9) are mostly full. At least they were 6 months ago.

thought about that too, seems like it would be legit and you really dont even need ANY employees…