Post your first ever kill/death thread!

first kill

me vs my best friend
94 V6 auto thunderbird vs. 89 firebird v6 auto

The race was prob from 20-80…The thunderbird wins :slight_smile:

best kills were with the stealth.

I ran into a modded transam who kept pulling up next to me and reving. After ignoring him about 3 times I decided to embarass him. He guns it and so do I and I ripped past him hard and we catch the next light. He’s like “whoa, whats done to that thing?” I told him the truth and told him it was pretty much stock :wink: he couldn’t comprehend what happend.

Then I had some mustang dood mess with me at a light. We both went at the same time ( i didn’t launch hard) and after putting a train on him he pulls up next to me and is like “yo…I spun off the line” to which I responded yeah…nice race man. He looked confused and I turned to the next steet.

There was also a member on UBRF who called me out 3 different times and never won…That was kinda funny.