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finally got a new tv today

Badass. What game is that, GTA4?

yes, it is. And it’s badass on PS3 on a 42" Plasma. btw.

fuck ps3. i already have a 42" plasma

wow…very nice TV… some day i can get me a nice tv like that

i got the tv on the cheap pm me if you want details but it is a 55 inch sony 1080p projector. I cant hang it on the wall so i figured why bother geting skinny… awesome picture

I just recently got one like that, 65inch 1080p DLP TV, love it to death amazing picture

i got me two of them as well…not a bad seat for the price.

It’s my first 2 cylinder! :slight_smile: Just bought it today - coming on Wed.

^^^ … Fucking sick!!

JJ just bought a John Deere too !

nice machine

Got a new lens. Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 II APO EX DG Macro

I’ll post my boyfriend’s latest purchase since It’s for me:

Nice rock. Dizzamn.

Nice lens! … I just bought a sigma 75-300 macro!

Just got his bad boy in the mail!!

SICK…cant wait to see it on & running Mike !

Sweet, you shooting for the 18 seconds 500hp goal ?


That’s a great lens for the money. I’ve read a lot of good reviews.