post your latest purchase

You are a fake, does that eat at you?

Do everyone a favor and take your slow ass ugly VW and drive it into a river, thats if it even has enough power to get out of its own way.

Wow, what comebacks, I dunno what to do now…brr I am skurred

  1. Don’t send me another PM, I won’t respond to you
  2. If you want to talk ish, come to the garage and say it to my face!

I sent you a PM because no one wants to read your stupid bullshit you start and post on here. I have no clue what problem you have with me… who knows what goes on in that little head of yours.

ah…who would have guessed that a perfectly fine thread be ruined by the ever so great ps testosterone. lol

back to the subject…

That was $405!!! are you nuts!!! it only hold your money…it doesnt make it for you!!!

sheesh. Id kill Will if he bought that!!!

Yup… well you can thank Kilmer for that… always posting stupid shit, but what can you do? :gives:

I have 2 friends that have that same wallet. I like it, but its a little too big for me. It is a really nice wallet. I think the mens coach wallets are around $200 or so.

Yeah my last wallet was a coach wallet it was about $180. I loved it but I dropped it in some gasoline and the smell never went away. So I got a new and improved one.

The bag was $730 so it was $1135.00 total. How many car parts could I have for that? lol :doh:


I asked you a question, which instead of answering you decided to attack me. I told you to come to the garage if you have a problem, obviously you ignored that, not surprised…

Dudes talking about buying wallets on a car sight…lol

ehhh yeah, maybe you can set me up with a similar ballin’ job? I’d love to be able to buy a LV wallet because I dropped my coach one in gas haha.

my thoughts on money are, you can’t take it with you when you’re dead, so if you got it, get it.

I set my self up with my Jobby job. Edjumacation is the way to go. I am the same way, I can’t take the money with me when I die so I may as well spend it. Nice things are fun and so are great vacations. I am just lucky cause the only thing I owe money on is my Avalanche and a little bit more from my student loans.

I can’t take the money with me when I die, but I’d also like to retire and leave some for my kids. Car parts are exempt from this mentality though. :slight_smile:

Your a baller … you :love: me … Where the hell is my nice shit? … Hell I will even smile & cry when you give it to me

My wallet was on clearance for $4 at Target. It does a very good job of containing my cash and cards. :wink:

Must be pretty big to hold that 70k from tips

im with you on this one. but i bought my ex a nice purse for x-mas last year and she still is using it today. before this one she use to get one every 2 months if not more often but 10 months for a purse is a new record because she flippin loved it. but a black wallet is a black wallet if you ask me. for guys atleast nice purses for chicks are nice.

bought a 3/8" universal impact 12 pt 12mm driveshaft socket from snapon today

I bought some roadside bbq on 51 today.

rims fo tha DD

drop it like its hot

that i will with these