Postgame Sucker Punch


I say guys is done for the year should be suspended by the school from the team if the NCAA doesn’t take care of him. Completely disrespectful, emotions or not 110% uncalled for.

I saw this at the end of the game last night. The guy from Boise State dropped like a bag of shit. KO victory for the kid from Oregon. Def. let his emotions get the best of him. He’ll be suspended by the team and more than likely the NCAA.

Definitely should be suspended. The other kid should be talked to, because it looked like he said something to Blount. Regardless, Blount tried going into the stands for that one fan. That is a definite no-no now (since the rumble at the Palace - Ron Artest).

That’s rediculous, real tough guy, if your going to hit someone take your helmet off so you can get some back…pussy

I heard no charges were being pressed so the player who did the punching will most likely get off scott free

From the cops.

Not OU or NCAA though…they’re going to go down hard on him (no homo) because he’s messing with their image here.

He definitely will not get off scott free.

They will make an example out of him and he’ll get suspended for sure.

I say sit him for the year. That’s completely un-called for no matter what the reason.

Nice sucker punch, guy needs to grow up

Looks like the other guy had a big mouth and got KO’d for it, nothing wrong with that.

Negative…everyone needs to know the whole story…during the off season, that running back was talking shit about how they were going to kick Boise States ass, if your going talk shit you better be able to take it too, and not let your emotions get in the way, he needs to be kicked off the team, oh and this isn’t his first time getting into trouble, he was also suspended last year for a couple games if I heard correctly on the radio this morning.

Runnign your mouth with a bunch of big ego athletes is one thing, getting down right disrespectful or violent is another. Looks like the Pac-10 is gonna get there hand on him first followed by the NCAA. Deserves at least a season long ban with out a doubt. These kids need to see serious reactions because they dont learn


Kid should get the ax from the team… not his 1st suspension.

Quick decision and the right call i’m sure the player expected the outcome. Nice to see the school and coach to step in and make the call and not wait for a league decision:excited

I dont follow any sports really so im not up to date on whats going on, but if thats the case then that guy should be suspended. But that doesnt make me think any differently of the player that got punched, he clearly let his emotions get the best of him as well.

This kid had NFL potential. If he had another big year this year he would have been drafted and he throws it away like this. Why does god give all the stupid people all the athletic skills

Yea, last night on ESPN Todd Mcshay said he was easily a 3rd rd pick and before this happened…now is def not expected to get drafted.

yeah, NFL teams dont want to take chances on kids who have bad habits of being late, or poor reading skills and stuff like that. I definitely dont think theyll want to have a kid who punches people when he loses on their team lol

Really?! Coulda fooled me!

o yeah?