i agree nuking the entire continent is a horrible idea…i’m sure you wouldn’t want to have the responsibility of killing millions of children over a nation that we’re at war with a city…think about it, how many people live over there in that whole area that have no idea what anything is about because of lack of commiunication and technology. i for one couldnt’ forgive myself if one child was killed because of my actions because i felt the “need to nuke the country” i can’t even let someone ride in the car with me without a seatbelt for liability reasons let alone think about how many innocent people would die because a group of a couple hundred/thousand don’t like us. the media is biased for the bad, they could have a rally of 5000 people cheering the US on that they were liberated from a man that killed his own people, yet one person burns a flag and the entire nation is labeled as anti-american. the majority of what they consider business owners and economists over there want to sell us their oil as much as us “greedy americans” want to take it, fact is they’ve been trying to for years and have been unable to. so what if our intentions were hidden, it’s not like the country WASNT repressed, WASNT under a dictatorship that catored to their own well being and not the well being of the people…the economic resourses that whole area has are astronomical and they know that, i’m pretty sure they want cool things like big blocks, nitrous, drag strips, tvs in their trunks, turbos on their itrs as much as us “greedy americans” do but a nation as a whole they dont’ have the capital to do so and were never allowed. this nation was born out of repression just like they would be.
the 2 groups need to be seperated and we can’t be forced into stereotypical thinking…look at cuba, they’re under a dictatorship and the us said until castro goes we’re not economically partnered with them…the fucking country is building resort hotels on the beach with nobody in them awaiting the time for castro to leave, do you think that entire nation is against us?
get your heads out of your asses those who wanna nuke a continent and start looking at who you’re at war with…you’re complaining about a couple hundred american soldiers killed (and yes that is a tragedy to the extent i can’t fathom) but to take out our agression by killing millions is a double-fucking-standard, we dont’ live an eye for an eye anymore and haven’t since 0AD
i’m not saying Saddam Hussein isn’t a complete fucking douchebag. I’m saying that we had the right to take him out in 1991…not in 2003.
I’m not some liberal pacifist hippie… I wholeheartedly agree with being in Afghanistan, and while I didn’t agree with going into Iraq, now that we’re there I think we shouldn’t half-ass things. The “June 30th handover” is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. We need to be there, decimate our enemies, while advancing the standard of living for all other Iraqis. The easiest way to conquer your enemy is to make him consider you an ally. When Alexander the Great conquered any land, he proclaimed that the people he conquered were now his countrymen, fellow Greeks.
Eliminate the terrorists, educate the civilians, set up factories in Iraq that employ the people (while American corporations make a nice buck off of it)… that is how you end the war.
Let’s see how long this story stays in the media. I’m sure it will be gone in a couple of days while the “abuse” pictures are still on. What our guys did was humilitating but not abuse.
I’m sure this will be back page story courtesy of our one sided news media
@ everyone seriously saying that we should just nuke them. Killing a few million innocent Iraquis to get a few hundred/thousand that dislike us… yeah, that’ll go over just dandy… The people that hate us are in the VAST minority. IF everyone there hated us, there would be a hell of a lot more than ~700 dead. For instance, look at Vietnam. 57,000 people killed. There were weeks in the Vietnam war where there were more than 700 people killed. Hell, im sure there was a hell of a lot more than 700 Americans killed in 20 minutes in WWII…
When timothy McVeigh bombed OKC, did we nuke Montana? no. The insurgents need to be dealt with, but they need to be dealt with in a non-military fashion. Law and Order needs to be restored to the nation. If this shit happened in america, the police would surround the dumbasses and not leave till they have their man… We know where this Shiek Muhammad or whatever the hell his name is, and the fact that we are allowing him to stay free/alive is sending 100% the WRONG message. We are telling him that we are afraid of him. We need to show them that we are in control and that we wont stand for this shit.
this is one that they executed & “told us about”. what do you think that they are doing with all of the other pow’s? they aren’t playing uno! although they may not be killing all of them, they are torturing them i can almost guarantee. how many mothers/wives, etc will be finding out in months to come that thier son/daughter/husband/wife was knelt down and eliminated with as much disregard as that bee you killed on your living room window with the pennysaver. how would you feel if it was your father/brother/mother/sister that was murdered in such an inhumane fashion? remember a couple months back when they rescued that girl from WVA, yeah they found what… a dozen others with gunshot wounds to the head execution style. time for the world to wake the fucc up. pictures of pow’s getting dry humped by john smith barely compares to john smith getting his head hacked off by horror movie rejects & a 8" knife while he was still breathing followed by a press release & threats of continued occurences.
this makes me sick to my stomache. humans are the worst animals period.
I refuse to watch that…how sick are you…that is someones son, husband, brother, uncle, etc…how would you feel if your loved ones murder was all over the internet and people in your country were DLing it just to see what it looks like…sick fucks
ohh yeah al-quida isn’t in Iraq huh? who do you think killed that totally innocent boy?
I guess my point is that some people in that nation lost the hatred which was to hate the jews and anyone who sides with them. and yes those people should be spared and commended. on the other hand you use ANY means you can to get people to talk and find out where the bad ones are. We need to be there cause no one else will save that nation and that mans murder should mean new found resolve in this nation. Our nation was founded fighting for our freedom and we needed the french to help…the iraqi’s can’t do it alone we are there to help them and we are building that country
if you want the story of palestine read the old testament
I didnt say anything about torture. I feel no sympathy for those fucks getting their asses beat in prison. Thats not really comparable to nuking their entire country though, if American troops are roughin up people for information, i could give a fuck…
I’d sit down and eat a nice steak dinner as I watched those fucks being dipped in boiling oil. Wouldnt even make me flinch.
i think we should leave that place alone, and let them do what they want for about 4 months, then out of nowhere nuke the fuck out of them! :reloading