I think (since we are technolocgically supieror) we should fly some radio controlled planes filled with some Iraqi rats into their mud huts…
(fucking kangaroos) :finger:
ha rats that would be a blessing for them 'they have things crawling those huts that are far worse then rats
yeah themselves
it’s all shit.
every group has it’s assholes. to say that the actions of these pathetic assholes (cutting off the head of an american) is representative of their whole people is like saying the actions of a few moronic american soldiers (torturing iraqis) is representative of all of us.
i was for going into afghanistan. i was against going into iraq. that’s all irrelevant now. we’re in both places, and we have to make the best of it. the answer isn’t to become outraged at things like this… that’s exactly what these assholes want us to do. the answer is to see the positive in the campaigns and to support resolution with the least number of fatalities on both sides.
(i’m a little drunk, so i’m sorry if these are run on sentences)
Oh so we are supposed to understand that ist only a few over there but the rest of the world is aloud to think that all americans are like this and the answer is killing innocents?
dude when is your flight leaving for Iraq?
no…not at all. the educated in most countries know that we’re not like the soldiers that tortured the iraqis.
yeah but unfortunatly the educated in most countries sit there with their thumbs up their asses and don;t say shit. They let us take all the heat which is absoulte bullshit…
war is a bitch.
Getting into a pissing contest with an enemy that in all honesty we CANT see is stupid. Yes, does the thought of that guy getting his head cut off make me want to drop a nuclear bomb the size of texas on them right now, yes, but will that solve the things that need solved and make the world become the happy happy joy joy place everyone wants it to be? No, it won’t… To have a knee-jerk reaction is probably the worst thing to do at a time like this. But like I said above, its really hard to fight an enemy that you can’t see.
$10 says you wont
Are you a fucking retard?..Fuck them all. go drop a bomb on the whole region sparing the israeli’s…then take their oil and be happy that region turned into glass period.
Your right we shouldn’t be there so they could keep kill inocent people in their own country right? If a democrat was in office we would have lost 150men and just pulled out just like in somalia(which is still in shambles)
It is not whether we should be there it is the fact we have to be there. We live in the most powerful nation in the world lets not act like fucking pussies.
PS- I really don’t feel sleep deprivation is a form of “torture” it was used for centuries as a way to extract information from POW’s. now shocking the shit out of someone or beating them to get info is torture. sleep deprivation is the major way you brain wash someone…here is how it goes
1-2 days you are ok
3-4 days you being to halucinate
5-6 days you totally break losing all former personality
7-10 days you rebuild the personality. at this point they will not remember loved ones, places, anything. maybe they should do that to saddam and that will show those fuckers what is up. of course that is also illegal.
it’s an attitude like that that makes them hate us.
the way to truly win is to set up Iraq as an ally, and get the hook up on cheap oil. we might be the most powerful nation, but we still need our allies. we need to be MUCH more forceful in Iraq against insurgents, while respecting Iraqis who don’t want to fight us. a large problem with our society is that many americans think “all towel-heads are the same…let’s kill 'em all”. as with any nation, there are some that hate us, some that love us, and many who just don’t give a fuck.
i worked with a Palestinian girl for over a year… before I met her I really didn’t have an opinion on the whole middle eastern scene. According to her, practically everyone she knew had the same opinion: They weren’t fond of Israel, and a little bewildered about the US, but basically just wanted to be left alone. She was a Muslim, but studied and respected Christianity and Judaism.
while one person isn’t representative of an entire people, i’d say the information i learned from her is a little more representative of the average Muslim than the actions of fanatics. imagine if the only examples Arabs had of Americans were Ed Gein and Pat Buchanan.
we lost a 150 people in Somalia…what the hell are you talking about
your right cause they aren’t out to get us when we do nothin to them…how did we provoke any of this? We as a nation with the economic and military power can pretty much pick and choose our allies…
If military power in the area would have equaled the amount in and around Iraq that number is what it would have taken to pull out I would guess anyway…we only lost 10-15 people in somalia and Cunton pulled the troops out
We went into a country that didn’t want us there. Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Al Qaeda is not Iraq, and vice versa. We went there for ficticious WMDs. If Iraq ever HAD any weapons, it’s because we GAVE THEM WEAPONS to fight Iran.
I don’t even know what that sentence means.
If we had the military “presence” in somolia that we do in iraq it would have taken more men lost to pull out of there, but in your boy billy’s infanant wisdom he pulled out of a nation that did want us there cause they were starving and being killed(sounds like a country we are in now huh) and we left cause he was scared.
Sorry if saddam doesn’t want us there give him a call and tell him we are sorry…ass