werd. Everyone in America loves living in their safe little bubble. Its easy to not get emotional about war when all you hear is numbers and stuff. But no one wants to actually see the blood that flows from their support of the war. Out of sight, out of mind i guess…
That guy was a salesman, trying to drum up some business over there. Not a solder. And to say that it was alqueda that did this, maybe but I don’t know. Its kinda like your hommies claimin that they were crips and bloods after the movie colors came out. They are tryin to make themselfs be more important than they are.
yeah i know he wasnt a soldier. neither were the 4 contractors that were killed and drug through the streets. However, that guy would not have died if it was not for the war in Iraq. When I see Bush supporters and war supporters whining about not wanting to watch videos like that, it pisses me off.
We really shouldnt have went into Iraq. The WMD arguement was lame. Im not one thats gonna sit back and point fingers because we havent found any yet. They did have them at one point in time, there is no doubt about that. they used them on Iran and their own civilians. But Iraq was no more of a threat to the US than it has been since the Gulf War. Yes, they broke all sorts of UN treaties, but war was not the answer. There were plenty of diplomatic solutions still on the table. Hell, they wre getting so much money from France and Russia that the embargos that the US was putting on Iraq did nothing but starve the populus, while Saddam got rich off of other countries that went behind our backs. Plus all the corruption thats coming to light in the Oil for Food program… kinda makes ya wonder, eh?
thisd guy was in iraq for a couple months earlier. he was totally WARNED NOT TO GO BACK THERE to do business. he made the choice. he wanted some $. he is dead. honestly, how is it different than some guy getting wasted trying to make a buck in Compton or something?
not that i’m justifying his death or anything, but isn’t it incredibly fucking stupid for a salesman to go into Iraq while all this shit is going on? if American soldiers are dying every day, how the fuck was he supposed to be safe?
captitalism can wait until after things cool off. it’s a shame this guy died (and in such a horrible way) but there isn’t a salary imaginable to get me to go to Iraq right now for business purposes.
thats all fucked up. I say we just send in everything we got with no warning and blow them all away and take everything even they’re cinder blocks and go home how can they fight without 1 material item. NUKE THE FUCKS.
meh, i dunno if I’d go that far. yeah its stupid for him to be there, but the blame for his death rests solely on those who killed him.
you could have just wrote “im an ignorant fucking moron” and saved some bandwidth.
No people over there are insane. Everyone over there is a criminal i know people that came back and were telling their storys all they do there is Pillage. They don’t care if they kill. They’re kind needs to go. This is 1 of the reason i keep mving my ship out date with the navy.
typical ignorant high schooler - when you realize that not “everyone” over there is a terrorist, things will be a little clearer for you.
Dude they are killing our troops regular people over there are throwing grenades at us. This war WOULD be over if it was just a bunch of terrorists. But everyone is pretty much over there. People are killing our men for no reason.
Ya and everyone in Hiroshima and Nagasaki wasn’t terrorist either…its prick’s like you that would just rather them come over here and nuke us. and set around with are thumb’s up ass like Darktard and complain and rant on the net.
Guy’s are assholes for posting this here…if ya want to there are alot of other “NON DRAG RACING” Forum’s and Flame board’s that ya can go to and amuse yourself with this shit.
Oh about the gimp fag that made the statement about being Immature…ya thats why i have 1,000 + post of jus talking bullshit and having nothing to say like you.
Really, so you’ve been to Iraq? You know how much they all hate us?
Good god your a moron. 99% of Iraqui’s are fucking thrilled that America has liberated them. Thats millions of people that love the us, and a few thousand that hate us. So you think its ok to kill those millions that love us to get rid of the few thousand that hate us? You are one misguided little pup.
I only have a problem with the people that watch that kind of video and get of on it, like its some kind of entertainment. You know the type that rubber necks at a traffic accedent in hopes of seeing a little gore. Yeah its real life, it was a real life that was lost. It was someones son that was lost. If your watching that video, keep that in mind.
No like i said i read every post and i put my 2 cents on it not immature. Its called i have 2 classes in school with computers that i own all in. So i worked ahead and i can get on every day if i wanted to. Notice i am never on at night thats because when i get outta school for the day i don’t go home and get on i go ojut with friends and drive and all those nice things.
Whys everyone jump on my case other people in this post said the same thing?
Good for you!!High school girls> internet fourm!!! :bigok:
You have to be the stupidest motherfucker EVER to try and compare WWII to the war in Iraw.
Oh man, thats just precious.
Thats right
I wasn’t talking about ya dipshit…READ IT AGAIN. :doh:
you and 2QWIK2C are both retarded.
(see, i didn’t single you out )