POW has head cut off by Iraqi's.

Iraw … ya i’am stupid

and those people are just as retarded and ignorant as you.

Being that this is offtopic…We did drop 2 bombs on japan, and they are one of our closest allies now :dunno:

And what he speaks is true indeed.

OMG, I thought it was actually spelled like that. I am so dumb!!!

oh, and heres some WWII statistics for ya. You will note that there were a few more people killed in that war than this war. 410,000 Americans.

And the only reason that we nuked Japan is because they would not have surrendered without an all out invasion of their country. Their entire populus was dead set on killing as many Americans as possible, Millions of american lives would have been lost trying to take Japan. 700 people have been killed iraq, and over 99% of their populus loves us. But i can see how you would think they are pretty much the same thing… :ugh:


:nono: you wanna kill the all the black ppl while we’re at it… i mean it’s a fact that our prisons are primarily full of young black guys so let’s kill all them too adolf. :wtcslap:

We keep fucking around over there long enough and it will be…Go get your fucking flower child shirt on “Peace”

And ya Sunhawk i was referring to the asshole Darktard that never has a godamn nice thing to say to anyone besides the people that he blow’s here heh.

I didn’t mean to literally nuke them i was mad when i opended that damned video that i will never watch again. All the bad people need to be sent out on boats in the middle of the ocean and sank. Fuckers i hate that people can be so ruthless about killing especially innocent civilians. O no no no i’m not in this with you and darkstar i’m just agree’n with P8nt Ballah’s comment.

i have plenty of nice things to say about people. I just think your stance on the war is mind-numbingly ignorant.


YOu pro-ware zealots are too funny. You hate that fact that 700+ Americans have been killed. How many would have been killed IF WE DIDNT GO TO WAR??? none. So spare me the typical “your a bleeding heart liberal neo-hippy pussy” response. Neither side of the arguement wants to see Americans getting killed.

to some it up …i think Metalica made a song about it…KILL EM ALL!!!

:dunno: how crazy were those mother fuckers that it took not one, but two atomic weapons to make them quit… actually i don’t think a large scale show of force will work on these nuts… why? b/c they’re religious fanatics, it’s a holy war of good and evil to these nuts, at least Japan was doing it for political-money reasons… ie, it’s easier to cut your losses and quit when losing in your mind doesnt mean “the end of the world cause the white devil of hell won” :blanyer: these fuckers are absolutely nuts and truthfully, and i know this is wrong to think this way… if you have a towel on your head, i’m not trusting you… better a safe bigot, than a dead ‘nice guy’

well, if you want to see all the insurgents and terrorists killed, and everyone else left alone, then you ARE on my side, cupcake.


Static -X is better in my opinion. Ok well i like your point of view on the war then.

I did clense there soul’s in fire…

everyone just buy a VW and :grouphug:


Agreed, but don’t forget that empoer herohito was considerd god on earth to them, at that time.(IBISPELLWORSETHANPEWTER)

Ahhh the good all autocracy lived back then.


To answer your quetion on how many would have been killed if we didn’t go to war. It would have only been a mater of time before sadam would have invaded his fellow muslims AGAIN!! and guess what it would have been us there trying to keep the world oil prices stable again. How many would have died in that case???