Powder Coated Honda Valve Cover

Thought some of you might like to see this.[IMG]http://i855.photobucket.com/albums/ab112/collinspc/Powder%20Coating/th_HondaVC1.jpg[/IMG]

not really

Then don’t look!

Looks good… did the powdercoater sandblast it?

Yes I stripped the cover and coated it with a Gloss Black base and 2 coats of Super Durable illusion Lapis. masking was a little tedious but I think it was worth it. I just sent it back to the owner in Florida this week.

looks like it turned out well

I wish we would have had some sun this week so I could have seen it in the natural light.

nice glad to hear you stripped the cover. have heard horror stories about glass bead and/or sand up in the baffles then drops into motor.

looks good

Removable baffles are removed or if not removable then care is taken to mask all opening before any type of media blasting. If care is taken and proper cleaning utilized then there is nothing but clean cover to work with.

The blasting would only be done on something that had a coating that wouldn’t react with stripper.