power fc d-jetro. where do i position the map?

so i just got the pfc d-jetro.
this converts maf to map.
my question to those educated/ experienced tuners is…
where would be the best place to mount the map sensor. would i be able to use the vacuum lines?
i was reading up on the skyline forum that some guys t’d the map sensor from the fuel pressure reg, to the tb.
can anyone confirm this?
help would be greatly appreciated. thanks guys.

Somewhere on the intake manifold :slight_smile:

Seriously though GL, and I hope your question is answered appropriately. I may be going through the same types of things sometime soon.

My map runs off a vacuum line on the throttle body. You can T it into anywhere that has both a vacuum and boost source. I recommend past the throttle body since youll get a more accurate reading.

do you mean past the throttle as in on the intake manifold?
would you be able to post pics Kouki S14?

throttle body

thats thethe fcon was tapped on my kouki clip i had, and that thing was serious business

Any vacuum source after the throttle body

The manual tells you to tap the intake manifold, but you can just as well tee it off one of the ports above the TB