power steering swap

Just wondering , Can I just swap a 91 to 94 power steering pump onto a 96 motor . Just want to make sure it will bolt up without any problem.
I wanted to swap in a dohc motor but I was told the line will not line up , since I will be getting 91 power steering line , I though I might as well change the pump .

power steering pumps are interchangable with sohc and dohc, however if u put in a sohc motor, 91+ lines will not work, u need 89-90 lines.

vice versa if u are swapping in a dohc, pump is fine, lines will need to be dohc.

Yes you can… “91+ KA24DE” whether S13 or S14 have the same Pump

Really eh ?

I thought both Pumps were different (hence my people say the SR pump is the same as the KA24DE pump) I’ve never heard anyone say that a single cam Pump will work on an SR “which it should, if its the same as a dual cam Pump”

Also… Since the SOHC Pump is on the “Pass Side” If you flipped it/turned it to the “Driver Side” It would bolt up either (backwards, or upside down) meaning odds of it bolting up is slim…

I could be wrong thou…

hmmmm… soo tha SOHC and DOHC power steering pumps are not interchangable!!!

i need to know this cuz i need a new pump for my DOHC and all is availiable is the SOHC pump…

wanted to swap in a dohc motor but I was told the line will not line up

ok he just stated there that it is infact a dohc motor,96 to be exact…

so where do u get sr from?,but ether way… a 96 dohc is gonna need 91 and UP power steering lines…

and if he wants to change the pump…sohc is SUPOSED to work with dohc…only difference is the lines are different lengths…

so correct me if i am also wrong but i am almost 100% sure because i have been debating this problem myself, for my own car.

read more carefully… or maybe i’ll explain it more simple ?

A RWD SR has the “exact same” PS Pump as a 91+ KA24DE “S13 or S14”

But you claim their is no differences between a SOHC/DOHC PS Pump… well why does Nissan Claim that their is a Differences ? IF their the same, then a SOHC Pump should bolt up to an SR motor (But it wont)…

SOHC Power Steering is on the “passenger side” meaning for it to be (interchangeable) it would have to have a perfectly square bolt pattern “or it wouldnt fit on the oppsite side once flipped around” But because the Pump “SOHC or DOHC” does not have a perfectly square 4 bolt pattern… the holes would never line up if flipped/rotated…

So a SOHC Pump will not work on a DOHC motor

A DOHC Pump will not work on a SOHC motor

In regards to Lines… “Jesse & Canadian240sxdrifter” have proved you can slightly tweak/bend the Lines and make the SOHC line stretch over to the oppisite side… so PM either of them for Info/Instructions…

mehhh so i was not 100% sure of this myself… no biggie…

ETHER way his question was answered several times,so im geussing this thread has done its job.