Power steering problem

I am having a big problem with my power steering pump. I have already gone through two pumps. Basically, they just start blowing their seals and leaking after like 10 minutes of driving.

I just finished a KA24DE swap into my '90 S13 with my buddies and we were told that we could use a HICAS pump as long as we capped off the rear wheel steering part of the pump. This is what we did. Also, we did not install the powersteering cooler line that goes underneath the car. My buddy said that the line was usless and not needed.

Could the use of a HICAS pump or the fact that we did not install the cooler line be causeing this problem? Or is it something else?

Also, is there any way to use a SOHC pump on a DOHC motor?

Thanks for your help…

i also did a sohc to dohc swap and didnt use the cooler line. im not experiancing any problems.

i dont think that the sohc pump will work because it was on the other side of the engine and if you did manage to fit it on the other side like the dohc, the high pressure line would be on the bottom vs top and the pump would be dry(feed on the wrong part)

i ended up going to the junkyard and ripping off a dohc pump(picked up a dohc cluster, engine wire harness and ps pump/high press line for 20$:))


Yea, thats what I’m trying to do. Its kinda hard to find DOHC pumps without HICAS tho :S.

yeah… i would think that blocking the hicas lines would cause an overload in the system and be your cause in blowing seals… but you should wait for someone else to confirm.
maybe, you could try looping the high press line into an overflow that acts as like a holding tank that is mounted higher than the ps resivoir and has a line running as a feed from it into th ps rez… just to prevent some kind of overload in the ps rez…

just some kind of way to not block it internally inside the pump but make a circuit in theory to keep it from blowing up


So those two kick ass hard lines you blocked off completly?..You should join them

together so the fluid can circulate. I just used fuel hose and a few

hoseclamps…scratch up and flare the hard lines so the rubber line wont slip off.

There’s a writeup somewhere on the proper way to make a HICAS pump into a 2ws pump. It involves taking it apart and removing somehting inside, not just circulating lines.

Paul is Correct…

You gotta remove the rear cover and then remove a bunch of little square tabs (approx 8+) which then stops the rear part (hicas part) of the pump from working, then all you need to do is plug the hole for the rear line.

If you simply tried to plug the rear hole and not remove the inner tabs then that could be why the seals went… pressure was building up and had no where to go so blew the seal ? ? ?

Hey Man. If You Want To Exchange That Pump For The Other One Just Say The Word.
We Can Make The Mod To The Other One Here As Well. Just Let Me Know.


Thanks for the offer man. I’m trying to locate a non-HICAS pump locally so I don’t have any problems for sure. I’ll let you know whats up.