i want to put a new powersteering pump in 91 the bearing is crapped out. my friend gave me a non hicas pump which is what i wanted. but the new ones pully wheel is different then the one that was on my original can i switch the pullys? im frustrated… anyone?
and by looking at the 2 pumps its different to take each one off?
yes…you can.
Are they both press on?
make sure both are from same engine, 12 valve or 16 valve 1990 is different from 91
i dont know if they are press on, i havnt seen them in a few weeks i have been busy as hell. im gona take some pics and post.
ok i am having more and more issues i am coming accross… i took all lines going to the rear rack and will be taking the rack out when i get d-bars or different rear cradle. there is some thing on the passenger side by the ground that lines run to. near the front pass tire. what is this? and is it only for hicas can i take it completly out? or do i need somethig that is non hicas.
It’s the HICAS solenoid. You’ll need a non-HICAS reservoir, and prehaps a non-HICAS high pres line as well (the HICAS one is shorter, and the banjo fitting is at a different angle).
I am having the same problem as well - I put a 97 KA into my S13 and bought an S14 High Pressure hose for the conversion, but the fitting is different to the PS pump - if I have to find a different HP hose you can take mine - but what hose do I need? are the hoses different between 95’s and 97’s?
I almost forgot, the non-HICAS return line is different (much longer, with a big loop).
Darth Motorhead: What year is your S13? Like Racecartech said, SOHC stuff is different from DOHC stuff. IIRC, the S13 non-HICAS DOHC and S14 pumps are virtually identical, except for the way they are mounted, and the S14 one puts out more pressure. You will need the S13 non-HICAS DOHC high pressure hose.
i have a non hicas pump now, and no rear lines. i need the non hicas silenoid i guess now. i just want power fucking steering. hicas pisses me off. any one have parts?
what parts do you need?
Yeah dude I have a 92’ w/hicas - I’ve removed all the hicas shit and installed a lock bar, I solved my PS problem, all good now. The S14 hoses and PS pump works A-OK now. I’ll post a thread of my budget build sometime, nothing impressive but I have the track slut I want to run now