ppc-6700 avail on vzw jan 19th



i think i found what phone im gettin feb 11th

that thing is pretty tits :tup:

def retty nice…but prolley a bit to big for my liking

Thats what im thinking. I refused a new blackberry at work because i didnt want to walk around like one of those toolbags with a blackberry hanging off my belt.

its pretty much the same size as the treo.

this is the phone that might have kept on sprint instead of going vzw

I just bought the Qtek 9100/iMate Kjam/HTC 8125 from a dealer and am using it on cingular now. The advantage of the qtek is the internal antenna. Other than that, it’s a similar device to the ppc-6799.

Unlimited data rox!

Only downside is evdo > edge :frowning:

err… sprint has HAD this phone out.


This is for verizon now. They are behind.

ah. kk.
forgot he switched companies. :wink:

not yet. i switch employment to vzw 2nd week of january, and am out of contract on sprintpcs feb 11.

i was really considering staying sprint with the 6700 cause of the unlimited data plans sprint offers, but on the otherside, i am tired of dropping calls. to me, more recently than before, the phone just NEEDS to work. so i’ve been holding out to see if it would come out on vzw before resigning on sprint.

and how long was i telling you to switch to verizon??? :lol:

glad to see you possibly could be making a switch to the dark side :lol:

i was in contract, and with my employee plan it made it hard to leave sprint.

i might join the boat too :eekdance:

My 650 has been giving me headaches,

i’ve returned 2 already

one more problem I return again, and it’s deemed a lemon

we’ll see how much this one is… any idea?

from what jeff said, STUPID cheap in comparison to sprint…something around 400 with a 2 year contract :eekdance:

$399.99 - 2 year
$449.99 - 1 year

and $519.99 unactivated



Fucking no expansion card?


I would have stayed with Cingular with the HTC 8125 but it’s a bit underpowered as far a the processor goes. Some Texas Instruments 200mhz POS. Treo 700w is where I am going…

It’s actually a dual core. The 200mhz runs A LOT faster than you think. I have mine packed with apps and it’s great.