blackberry through sprint sucks big time… theres a 50 monthly charge for blackberry plans + normal charges… fyi
just get the PPC already.
i dont see why people say ppc over treo… the people who are saying it have a ppc…
the ppc has been out for like over a year +
Yeah, I have a PPC.
I also HAD the treo, and got rid of it becuase it sucked ass
And so did rubicant, and other people on this board (there is a thread somewhere)…and so did most of the people at my job… etc. etc. etc. For what you want to do Willy, the PPC is better.
Not to mention it’s much more compact than the Treo. Try riding your bike with a Treo on your belt or in your pocket. PPC is better.
word, i like the PPC as well, only complaint is speaker volume.
sometimes its a bit quiet and it annoys the fuck out of me
i think i saw ur sti today… on maple around 2ish id say… looked awesome…
anyway… i went to sprint… ill be getting the PPC wednesday i believe… its a solid 200 cheaper than the treo… and people seem to like it better, even though the treo looks pimper…
so whats some good sites to read and get apps for the ppc? where did u get your external memory for it? is it SD?
mini SD card I think. There are some good hacks for RSS feeds, and I posted a thread in here with a link on how to setup programming your Tivo from anywhere with the PPS.
yea i checked… its mini sd… are there limits on the size i can use on it? if i buy a 2gig card will it function just fine?
ill have to search for that link… thanks rick… i know im annoyyyyyyyyyyyyying <3
ughh i have to wait till the 1st now… wtf… im kinda excited about a new phone… my mm-7400 is 2 years old and although i love it… want something different… ill be pissed if a PPC-7000 comes out next week…
RANDOM QUESTION… when i use AIM on my current cell phone each message counts as a text message… will they use text messages if i am on AIM on the 6700?
it’s data, so no.
2gig miniSD works fine on my ppc6700. Only complaint I have is the speaker is garbage and I wish the built in memory is more.
is there anything people can do to make the speaker louder? better?
You’re not using “aim” you’re using the service AOL provides so yes, it is a text message.
Use agile messanger or something like that, that uses data and requires you be signed into the data network.
can i download an aol instant messenger… is agile messenger send to AIM users?