Praxair Roll Call!

What does Praxair use hydrogen for?

making profit

:gotme: We purify it then sell it? I don’t know exactly. My work has always been in gaseous oxygen and nitrogen. I haven’t had the chance yet to learn much of the world beyond VPSA oxygen and membrane nitrogen.

is their more then one praxair because i work for diversified controls and systems in east aurora and in the compound their is a couple buildings and one of them is praxair…do you work at that one?

No kidding? You work for Gary?

Anyway, Praxair is a worldwide company with offices damn near everywhere. Global engineering headquarters is in Tonawanda.

DCS builds control panels for us. They used to build entire VPSA plants, but that’s going back a ways. The signs may be leftover from those days.

I use Hydrogen to help make hydrogen…
Also a great way to help light a burner and loose a little hair.

R&D has a bunch of different uses on site. It depends on what market your group
is associated with.

I got to go to the Houston plant this month

If he does you may be owing him a sammich?

haha i work with gary and i make all of the sub pannels and what not that comes out of the cnc machine

Now I have heard it’s 20 people and that they were notified Tuesday.

They were notified Tuesday. I heard 5 out of GSS Execution, and the other 11 out of the main GSS division. I haven’t heard anything about more than 16 though.

This is the third time that one poor guy I’ve worked with has been laid off by Praxair.

maybe it’s because these are your R&D projects

by that standard i can 100% make a space ship, with space ships. i could do it on a shoestring budget too!

I wondered because I was learning how to make hydrogen when I saw that Praxair is one of the biggest users.

I guess we get a lot of it by stripping it out of oil refinery waste. We’re kind of split into 3 or 4 main areas. Small plants/processes like me, taking in air and separating it into either pure oxygen or pure nitrogen with the whole process at rougly ambient temp.

Cryogenic separation, which takes in air and cools down to condensation points of oxygen, nitrogen, and argon and produces liquid. This is a much higher volume and therefore more profitible activity than the stuff I do.

We do specialty chemical stuff here and there, like make selenium and other crazy shit.

In addition to Cryo, HyCO (Hydrogen & CO) is our other big main business. I know very little about it. I don’t even know if we make Hydrogen and CO with the same process, or if we group it together because they are similar processes. I guess we get a lot of our hydrogen by stripping it out of waste products from oil refineries and selling it. These are typically high temperature processes, >800*F I guess.

They say if you want a successful career at Praxair eventually you have to either go hot or cold (HyCO or Cryo) since stuff like my VPSA and Membranes aren’t our meat and potatoes. For now at least, I like these two a lot. Membranes especially since they’re so small I get to do everything from work with sales to design the control system to manage the entire project to commission the plant by myself. Totally soup to nuts. Great way to learn the company processes without having multi-million dollar projects at risk and high level people breathing down your neck.

Recycling at its finest. Take some of the outlet, feed it back and make the entire process more efficient.

Praxair is a huge user because they run liquefaction plants.
They buy the gas from Oxy I think, then freeze it and sell it as a liquid for a lot more money.

Sweet. My projects range from -320F to 1800F

The training video for your saftey is funny. Like don’t touch anything and all that funny stuff.

Asphyxiation… Why choke her out when you can use a “turkey stunner”

We need to do a Tonawanda lunch meet one of these days.

Yeah … maybe a bbq at my house … im right down the street on dupont

I see some of your peeps take lunch walks everyday wearing their suits and sneakers

At least they are not “that guy” that changes into ratty gym clothes and runs up and down stairs stinking up the hallway.

BBQ… I would pay up to $4 for 2 burgers :smiley:
(If you fed speeders for free, would you ever be rid of them)