Praxair Roll Call!

Any of you hosers want to buy some girl scout cookies?
The wife stuck me with 6 thin mints, 2 short breads, and 1 peanut butter creme/do-si-dos.

Its listed here, because I will only deliver to the PTC.

I have been to a bunch of your plants in Indiana the past few weeks. Got to go to the top of one of the towers. Pretty sweet.

Thats cool…
FYI, more contractors die than praxair employee’s…

They did not send you up alone did they?

For what? Did you go to Steel Dynamics in Columbia City? (Outside of Fort Wayne.)

I will be joining this roll call on the 18th.

Cool. I don’t know you, but you have a nice avatar. So that’s worth something.

We also like to meat for lunch. If you’re into that sort of thing…

Always go out to lunch. I will be in the IT group. I have no idea what building number.

Congrats boxxxa

hit me on aim

Thanks man. Do you use Skype or only AIM? I gotta reinstall it. Lol.

AIM/Gchat no skype

Haha I just caught this.

Right, but do you meat for lunch?

I don’t wanna know where you are going with this. Lol

time for a little cock-meat sandwich, boxxa

Just ask driven kid, frie, and Jeff…

Be warned… All we seem to discuss is clubbing and alligator delicacies

You not inergex right… You going to be a real Praxair employee?
What position?

Ha no I am a real employee on the 18th.

Network Engineer

Not bad…
Unlike procurement… You are not the devil. Well… not to your face anyway :smiley:

Haha procurement… Oh man. I think I am gonna have a little bet with my self and try to see how many corporate buzz words I can hear in the first week I am there. I can’t wait for someone to say Six Sigma.

The synergies are very cross-functional and require that emerging technologies empower the employees so that they can facilitate a paradigm shift in flexibility and best in class solutions.