Praxair Roll Call!

Standard for me :frowning:
Apparently, “they can not give out above standard if you have been here less than a year”…
I get lumped in with the 80% crowd, even with my glowing review.

We’ll see how next year goes and how much of Tim’s work I can pull off.

stop eating, fatty…

My bookshelf at the office… right up front!


edit: i don’t know why thats upsidedown…

i want some free breakfast.

Acutally quite the opposite.,

I walk by your office all the time…
I don’t know who you are though.

Could you wear your name tag on your neck?

He’s literally doing my work right now.

To be honest, I was rated “standard-low then standard-high” not below average and above average. I’m pretty sure you have to do unspeakable things to the right people to actually get above average. And to the wrong people to get action required.

Haven’t had my review yet…

If I can build my two test systems with RS Logix by next year, I should be pretty well off. Maybe even pick up another six sigma project here and there.

edit: I might also manage to write my thesis on company time, if I play my cards right :slight_smile:

its this guy


he’s not always in that uniform though, only sometimes

I’ll keep a look out for ghetto banannas on site.

He sits straight back from the door.

Rumor has it we cut 16 from GSS (engineering department) today.

I have not heard anything…

Tim giving you all the gossip now?

KJ still there? lol

Electronics… Thats the group of R&D I would try to avoid these days.

Mike’s a better gossip than Tim.



Confirmed, 16 laid off from GSS. No formal information beyond that, but rumor says 5 from project execution, and some from cold box.

Nobody from my group. :awdrifter:

hook me up! need any VP’s with no experience what so ever? I’ll take anything north of 100K


Not an employee, but I think they hired about 1/2 the grad ME class from UB when I left.

my fiancé’s father works for praxair, does that count?