Praxair Roll Call!

Back to Praxair talk…

I have more safety training coming my way :slight_smile:
One more whole day with Steinbrenner.

:word: It’s all about how you stand by your car, and he just wanted a bigger turbo to stand by. Well, actually truth is he couldn’t get the stock turbo clean enough so he replaced it with one bigger and easier to clean because all the little crevices are bigger.



Um, WAT?


thats me, Im up in building 11, actuially i work for UOP, stop by my office if your ever around im in from 6 till 330 everyday 115 in building 11

yup thats my plate for ever now HAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding, if i could transfer it to you I would, cause im moving to PA

paul shouldnt be bitter, first off mine is registered in PA, its home is pittsburgh, the only time it will be through WNY is when I go to CSCS events, I still work in WNY but pauls would be the fastest, unless I registered mine up here. Second pauls car is sick, he has a lot of time into his and that why I love it. I was able to buy mine fully built on a luck shot I found one, yes I ordered a bigger turbo and when that comes in we will be making more power but its still a PA car

thank you, im glad someone finally said it, Im sick of getting pressured to have my car around, didnt buy the car to get attention finally in WNY or get in dyno number wars, bought it cause I love it and I love to road race and autocross, even though it will be useless in autocross

wooooooooooooooooooooooooot. started today :headbang: Currently picking out my free new blackberryyy :burnin:


Now you too can partake in the Friday $5 breakfast buffet.


They had some ads for IT staff in buffalojobfinder quick apply!

:lol: And now you’re on call. Any time they need you. Sucker!

:stuck_out_tongue: j/k And congrats Mr Distribution Technology Engineer!

congrats, i used to set those fucking pieces of shit up there, horrible…


lol glorified shipping and receiving?

lol, well blackberry or equivalent… Not sure what I’m going to choose yet.

thanks for the congrats everyone!

and OMFG they sell praxair fishing lures… haha there’s some pretty random promo shit you can buy. praxair pizza cutter = must have.

The pizza cutter is to divide your salary into 12 equal parts…


When do all you praxair people work?

If any more Nyspeed members work here, IT will probably catch on
and block the site…

naw they use a proxy but nyspeed isnt in there, and if it ever winds up on the list, the hosts file can be edited to get around that.

So… Are we all still here and recovering from the PMP process?

:tup: I just used a paperclip to repair my pants!!! GIMMEARASIE!@!!@@!

Above average here. :wave: Went from below average (first year blows) to above average in 1 year. Haven’t heard about my raise yet.