Pray for bills te kevin everett

Its being reported that bills te kevin everett has been taken into emergency surgery at buffalo genearl hospital after injuring his neck in the game today if you all weren’t watching it was scary just wacthing it on tv. Not once did he move even an inch from the time he went down from the time he went in the ambulance

don’t forget about our broken legged simpson either.

true but a neck injury is a lot more serious and the way they are reporting it doesnt sound good at all

word that was scary, you could tell byt the fact that they wouldnt show the replay at the game that he was hurt good.

the bills board has a few reports of paralysis and confirmation of the emergency surgery. not too much more info is out there but its not looking good.

i did some work on his charger. cool guy.


the bills board has a few reports of paralysis and confirmation of the emergency surgery. not too much more info is out there but its not looking good.


Partial paralysis. They just had a report on the news about it. He should be fine, but he’s definitely going to be out for a good part of the season.

any links? this was sad to watch today… shadowing a sad game that has me quite frustrated

uhg that hit didn’t even look bad, it must have been the angle of his neck when he hit.

I hope he is OK…as soon as he hit he went limp in mid-air…very scary!


uhg that hit didn’t even look bad, it must have been the angle of his neck when he hit.


Usually the case. It sucks that one little impact to your neck in the wrong direction can cause life changing injuries.

I hope hes ok.

according to wben reports are saying his career is over with and they are hoping he will be able to walk again but it could take several months to find that out

i was there and saw the hit and him go limp right away. the whole stadium was silent cept for one idoit broncs fan that was escoted out by security right away for being a complete ass

I can’t believe they took his helmet off on the field. Thats not usually a good move to make.

uh, oh hes in rough shape, lets hope he comes through ok

This was not fun to watch. He just laid there and twitched for a while afterwards. :frowning:

Good to hear that he will walk again, even though his career is over.

Where did you read he will definetly walk again?

But that would be great news if it was true.

Its great thing to see that Jason Elam commented on that before commenting on the game. That is class :tup:

lol @ all the doctors on nyspeed

lets wait to see if he can walk, and if he will play again.

In the blink of an eye your whole life can change.
Scary stuff.
