Prelude vs LS1

Quite a project, I must say.

Wow! That kid has some balls…and some nice fab skills. Can’t wait to see the finished result…

impressive project. he really just dove into that and went to town. props to him for not freaking out when he realized he was in way over his head.

holy shit! that really helps put my project idea for the focus over the edge, im fucking doing my idea. :snky:

thats insane! he’s moving along pretty well too!

hes commited…wow

he must be single toooo…but good work…lots o time involved

I cant wait to see if he measured up the suspension correctly when he puts the car down, with such a difference in wieght, and all of the new parts.

Its like hes essentially just throwing parts at the project.

I sure hope it doesnt shake apart, or the framing he build doesnt bend the car with the extra torque, and all of the holes he cut out of the car…

We shalll see :slight_smile:


I think the mere existence of a honda with pushrods will cause instant spontaneous combustion of the earth on first start if he gets it running

HOTT, this guy must have basket -BALLZ
scary project