Dude I feel like every weekend we spend like $1000.
$350 groceries, $100 fuel, $100 dinner wife and I, $50 lunch with the kids, had to pick up some swim gear for my daughter $100, then we went skiing $300.
Every single weekend I feel like I’m dropping a g.
Sounds about right. Ive been keeping track of everything the last 7 weeks. Average is $1200/wk. Of course 3 of those weekends we were away with hotels, food, and gas. But still. And two weeks ago i had to put down the college deposit for my kid.
Our ‘cheap’ road trip ended up costing us close to $5K… this world is going insane. At this point a trip to Hawaii is going to be on par with a used Corvette… which you can arguably enjoy for YEARS and sell for money back lol.
And two weeks ago i had to put down the college deposit for my kid.
What school? My daughter is a Sr and has not entirely committed yet.
also: OMG does RIT seem like a rip of. $69k/year if you dorm.
Even with a 74k in scholarship it cannot possibly be worth the price.
(allegedly, Harvard is ~73k/yr)
Do it. Make my earlier post about the US liberating the little California that Austin is going to become an accurate prediction.
Originally they gave her $15k/yr Presidential Scholarship, then $1200/yr grant, and shes getting $1500/yr performing arts.
She got almost double this amount from Clarkson, same base tuition price. (im ignoring room and board its the same everywhere)
So we asked for more money and they gave us another $6k/yr. So $23k/yr total
So its still stupid money, but they have the program she wanted (Mechanical Engineering Technology) and the co-ops are great etc. Plus she can still make it to dance regularly.
A friend of hers also applied to RIT and they are giving him like 42k/yr in grants and scholarships, with slightly worse grades than my kid. Of course his dad is a mechanic and im not sure what mom does, so im sure thats a huge part of it. Hes also doing that Cyber Security major, so im sure they are looking to pump up that enrollment. Which is how money is doled out… to pump up their marketing numbers
Ouch. My daughter is going into computer engineering because you essentially get to work in 3 majors. EE, CS and CE. I don’t think she spent any real time on finding scholarships. She is in almost every club and the only violinist at her school so she gets suckered into the plays/rehearsals.
Probably going to go to UB because she does not want to dorm.
She also hates trump, Ben Schapiro and his sister even more. etc. Now this is tied into Biden for thread continuity. Maybe you will get some money back from Biden. for the loans… LOL
Yeah I wouldn’t be going to RIT, it’s not as great as people think. Any ABET SUNY school is where it’s at, fuck private loans or paying private tuition for the same degree.
It literally doesn’t matter. I went to UB, went off and worked in the oil and gas industry for ~10 years, then went to work for GM in the auto industry. Not once did anyone question where I went to High School or College. I work along side people who went to Cal Tech, MI state, RIT, Harvard, Yale, and it doesn’t even matter.
Typically I find that most people who brag about their college are douches and don’t do good work anyways haha.
My favorite life lesson that nobody ever really told me…
Your network and experience changes your life’s trajectory. Better friends usually means better choices are available.
Found this somehow in the twitter and It graphically explains what I tell my kids whenever they talk about friends.