presidential elections 2008

African American’s showed they can be just as racist as Caucasians yesterday… I think now white people can stop being viewed as the racist ones, when it clearly goes both ways…

If it had come down to race then clinton should never have been president and he was a good one…

Cal soy----Joe Biden

I think even if that statement is probably true, that it is also extremely ignorant. How can you prove that black people only voted for the black president because he was black?

Perhaps (i dont believe this for a second) that most Americans are informed voters?

A more likely explanation would be that Americans are excited for change. Consumer studies show that Americans are generally more excitable as spenders over new products. So whats wrong with applying that principle to politics? As someone stated earlier, fresh ideas come from fresh minds.

wow… why are you so focused on the fact he is black? They showed plenty caucasians voting and cheering for him…couldn’t it be that he was smart enough to feed the public what they wanted…the only reason i said i was is because on this site someone is sure to say oh you are probably black and thats the only reason… so i beat them to the punch and it would have probably been you…who cares about race why are ppl still stuck on race???

I’m just saying, in a race this tight, when there are numerous states between 2 and 3 percent in the polls, having 97% of the African american vote, and having a massive African American turn out was pretty important to his win. He turned many black republicans towards him (ex Colin Powell), and I think that was the deciding factor in his win. If you gave him something like 80-85% of the african american vote, which is what they have historically voted towards Democrats, and you give them a modest / average turn out instead of a massive one, its a different ball game. Thats all I meant by it.

Maybe black people like democrats?

Obama won because he had a stronger campaign endorsed not only by other black politicians, he didnt have a weaksauce running partner, he’s young and his addresses and speaking is dynamic and inspirational which is exactly what the country needs right now, have you listened to the way Mccain talks?

While i dont doubt that race was a card in this election are you telling me you believe that the Republicans and McCain were the better candidates?

I understand what you’re saying…fair enough but your leading argument had nothing to do with what you just said… so you made it a straight cut black and white thing which it isn’t… Black ppl have been noted to not vote… the deciding factor was the Youth vote because kids don’t really care about politics until it affects them. and Obama took it straight to the young ppl of tomorrow… blacks are out numbered in america… if you wanted to take that route then take a look at the states McCain won… dominated by caucasians but i’d be lying if i said none of them voted for OBAMA… you get me…

I now see why my mom told me leave those 3 things alone…My brain is on fire… anyways guys have a good day… off to find car parts and do some work…Peace

Are you retarded or just dumb? I said that blacks ussually vote democrat, but I also made some other points about that. If your asking me who I would have voted for, then yes I would have voted for McCain, and this is for many reasons. Most importantly probably being that Obama has very little experiance in politics, and is the least experienced president in over 100 years. I’m done talking about this right now, congratulations America…

Dont make this personal. Posters like you are the reason good debate threads get closed.

I honestly dont believe that there were THAT many black republican voters to be persuaded to vote democrat just cause obama was black.

Many republican voters are using the experience arguement as the main reason they didnt vote democrat. To be honest, look where experience has gotten the US. Bush had alot of experience, they put him in for 2 terms. And look at his mess now. I personally think Barack is the right direction to head in. If i voted i wouldve gone democrat because Obama isnt a hardline-policy president unlike McCain.

Are you attacking me?? WHY??

my opinion is on me… if i’m dumb or retarded in your eyes then ok… I don’t care who you vote for… calm yourself you don’t even know me…

WOW. Black people showed they were racist last night… Come on is that what you turly think. Just because “Black people” and the majority of the United States voted in Obama thats nonsense.
The way I see it is simple, alot of people wanted change and what better way then to make histroy.

I am white and would’ve voted Obama. I’m pumped he won! Change is a wicked thing when it impacts a nation that has been so set in its “every man for himself” mentality. That nation needs to remember, like pretty much every other one, that they need to stand together on the issues that affect them as a whole.

Again I am happy that obama won… I didn’t have any doubts though

The fact that you only watched 20 minutes of a presidential speech/debate and only cause it was the only thing in HD TELLS me that you aren’t even informed enough in a political sense to even have any say in this thread… Sorry to say.

Also, people playing the race card…

Get a grip. How many times do people need to say that most of America is white? And Obama didn’t win by a thread. He won with 340 (forget what they’re called LOL) when he only needed 275. He won in “battleground” states where McCain was also getting a great response.

Yet he won those states. Why? They’re battleground states cause those people WERE MAKING AN INFORMED AND PERSONAL VOTE. It’s obvious America simply believes that Obama is better for them. There was no recount, much like Bush’s election.

McCain had some great points, but in my eyes, he was just as ignorant in a general sense as Bush was (though greatly more intelligent lol).

You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Some of what Obama says I don’t believe, but I still would have voted for him.

Experience? What experience did McCain have? He’s lost every election he’s run in. Obama has been a senator (as that is his “resume” as people have stated) and knows his politics. To be honest, ANYBODY who gains the reins of America and inheriting a horrible war, and a horrible financial crisis is in for a shitty run. This has NOTHING to do with his experience. He knows what the country needs, what the people needs, and what needs to be done to fix it. He knows he’s not going to have much fun, but he’s still willing to do it. That says more than enough for me.

And this next statement has nothing to do with who you’re voting for, or why, but in general.

Stop being so goddamn ignorant. (You’ll know who that goes to, and it’s not just one person).

P.S: I am impressed that SON is keeping this discussion decent. Really impressed.

…sorry had to be done… GO OBAMA!!!

someone had to

HAHAHA. What experiance does McCain have? K don’t start a battle your gonna loose. How about 20+ years in the senate compared to Barracks 2. He is offially the least experianced president in history. Black people voted 96% obama, white people voted nearly 50/50. You make the call on who’s racist.

May I ask how old you are? (Yes, this is relevant once you answer the question).

obama ftw

if mccain is so experienced, then why did he pick the worst possible running mate in the u.s?

also, racism has much less to do with obama’s win then bush diggin the republicans in a hole does

i would have voted obama given the chance. in a heart beat

The only difference between Obama and McCain’s experiences is McCain has been a P.O.W.