Pretending to win the lottery...

its a lame prank but playing it out for a few weeks is pushing it…

(But if said claim of winning the lotto was made in Ontario under the OLG all names and sums are posted online, so a quick search would validate or disprove)

I once knew someone that started spending obscene amounts of money on his car, and when asked where the cash was coming from he said he won $XXXX on a scratch off ticket…we later discovered he had been stealing serious money from his (ex) g/f’s parents…

I heard it was for 5 or 6 days, not weeks. Thats what I heard.

he wasn’t from holland/south wales, was he? this sounds super familiar.

Perma ban shouldn’t even be an option, not their fault someone was (hypotehtically) fucking stupid enough to believe it without checking a media outlet. The winners are always in the paper / online etc.

naw, Orchard Park near the stadium